文學院: 華語教學碩士學位學程指導教授: 竺靜華王韋傑Wang, Wei ChiehWei ChiehWang2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275013因應華語學習熱潮,以及使用華語人口的大量增加,過去透過英語輔助的華語教學模式,在目前臺灣、中國的教學現場,因為學生來自世界各國,都遭遇到媒介語無法同時有效幫助所有學生的問題。對外華語教學作為一門國際學科,就長遠發展來說,必須再檢討。本研究提出以全目的語的教材教法取代一般初級華語教材以大量媒介語輔助的常態,希冀為在目的語環境學習的學生提供更有效率、更公平的學習環境。 本論文研究方法以文獻研究為主。首先,爬梳中外兩岸語言教材編寫的研究,奠基編寫教材的基本步驟與流程。其次,利用CEFR和TOCFL兩個語言能力分級指標,確立教材程度範圍和教材的單元大綱,最後,整理前人編輯出版的初級華語教材,選定教材應收錄的學習內容。經由這三階段不同類型文獻、材料的分析與比較,找出具體可行的全目的語教材編寫方式,並歸納各種教學方法和技巧,討論其如何應用在全目的語教材的教學上。 本文研究發現以全目的語教學,不論教材或教法,都應該明確以溝通能力為教學目標。全目的語教材的單元編排必須符合學生課室外的生活需求,循序漸進學習怎麼在各種交際情境完成溝通;教法也應該以實際生活環境為背景,設計成學習任務,或以養成溝通能力為操練目標。讓學習者能學以致用,生活與學習彼此相輔相成,才能真正發揮全目的語教材教法的優點。 本研究整理全目的語教材教法的特色分述如下: 一、 必須設計完善的學前第零課。第零課可以在帶領學習者認識華語基本特色的同時,讓學生習慣全目的語教材的編寫方式。 二、 為了不讓學習者一次接受過多新輸入而感到挫折,每個學習環節的篇幅不宜過長。 三、 教材可藉由符號、圖案,以及圖表、醒目提醒等印刷排版方式呈現,幫助學生克服全目的語的障礙,明白怎麼使用教材。 四、 教學時,教師必須審慎規劃課室語言,運用精準的課室語言才能確保課堂上的輸入對學生是有效的。 五、 多利用動作、表演或教具等非語言替代方案,可以幫助學生在有限的語言能力下,依舊能明白教師的指令,並理解教學的內容。 本研究希望為目前臺灣的語言教學機構中,學生組成多元、媒介語效率不彰的狀況提供一個有效的解決方法。同時全目的語初級華語教材教法以可以為華語教學帶來新思考,期望能對於對外華語教學有更多積極正面的影響。Chinese learners who study Chinese in Taiwan often face two difficult situations. First, the textbooks are usually written in English, which is hard for non- native English speakers. Second, the language they learn from the class is different from the language that they hear from the daily life outside the classroom. Although the learners are studying in an all- Chinese environment, it is still not easy for beginners to find a proper way to fit in the live in Taiwan. The aim of this study is to design an all-Chinese teaching material, which suits beginners who live and learn Chinese in Taiwan. The material is designed for 120 learning hours per book, so that it could be used in language centers in Taiwan. Besides, the learning materials it provides are useful and adequate. Through this Chinese-only teaching materials and methods, learners should be able to immerse in the local life. First, the study summarizes the all-Chinese approach to teaching Chinese as a second or foreign language. Second, the study explores what writing strategies should be applied in designing a language textbook for beginners. After the literature review, the study analyzes three popular Chinese textbooks in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong and two French textbooks, which are both written in French only. By analyzing and comparing these materials we could know the common ground how these language textbooks for beginners were designed. There are three main features of Chinese-only teaching materials for beginners. First, the content in the materials should be practical and be based on communication stratgie. The content show every kind of typical communication situations and include as many authentic materials as possible, so that learners cannot only learn standard Chinese but also able to practice it in daily life. Second, in order to decrease learners’ learning anxiety, the size and the content of each unit in textbooks for beginners should be minimize in case the input is too much at a time. Last but not the least, the all- Chinese textbooks should contain a huge amount of icons, pictures, charts or even multi media resource, so that leaners can understand the textbooks better without the help of using another language to explain. As for teaching method, the concept is basically the same. The Communication approaches should be the first consideration. And Teachers can use teaching aids, multi media resource or simply acting skill instead of using another language to explain. With the Chinese-only approach, learners can cut down the negative transfer from other languages and learn Chinese in a more efficient way. At the same time teachers can also solve the problem that it is hard to find a lingual franca when students are from all over the world. By learning from the Chinese-only approach, beginners can enhance the advantage of being in an immersion environment and improve their Chinese rapidly.40415912 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/4/3論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)華語教學教材教法目的語媒介語初級華語教材Chinese-only approachChinese textbookbeginnerteaching materialteaching methods全目的語初級華語教材設計與教學研究A Study of Chinese-Only Approach to Teaching Materials and Methods for Beginnersthesis10.6342/NTU201602805http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275013/1/ntu-105-R01146007-1.pdf