李肇林臺灣大學:資訊工程學研究所吳善全Wu, Shann-ChiuenShann-ChiuenWu2007-11-262018-07-052007-11-262018-07-052006http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/53767辦公室自動化系統,在於利用電腦軟硬體,使辦公室內傳統的作業控制與管理控制能夠自動化。此種軟體的開發團隊通常由多人組成,彼此分工各司其職,經由系統分析、設計、撰寫、測試、維護等軟體發展生命週期。然而現代化組織的易變性,傳統開發模式已難以應付系統需求不斷改變的本質。本論文針對開發辦公室自動化系統,提出以文件服務為導向之架構及非同步簡單物件存取協定平台,期能簡化辦公室自動化系統之開發工作並能適應其易變性。 台灣的資訊教育偏重於程式設計能力之訓練,軟體產業普遍缺乏經驗豐富的系統分析人員,因而所發展之系統容易因架構上的缺失產生種種問題。辦公室自動化系統的分析工作,牽涉到各領域的專業知識與軟硬體架構的技術規畫,在缺乏系統分析人員的前提之下,必須以最單純的方式讓使用者與程式設計者之間能有正確有效的溝通。 本論文提出以文件服務為導向的系統架構,由程式設計人員與使用者協同合作,直接將使用者需求轉換為表單、清單與報表三種基本文件規格。需求轉換成表單等文件的過程是直接對應到真實世界中的紙本表單文件,對於程式設計人員與使用者而言皆是直觀而可視的,因此在缺乏系統分析與設計人員的情況下,仍能由程式設計人員與使用者合作,開發出一套辦公室自動化系統。 服務導向是一種新興的系統架構模型,其主要概念是以服務提供者與服務消費者的觀點來設計系統。本論文所提文件服務導向架構,則是在服務導向基礎上,將辦公室裡的作業控制與管理控制業務,視為表單、清單、報表等三種基本文件的流動與轉換。簡單物件存取協定(SOAP)是以XML為基礎的協定在網路上提供訊息傳遞的功能。目前主要的系統開發平台僅提供SOAP的同步傳輸模式,然而在辦公室自動化系統中常需要使用非同步的傳輸模式,特別是提供長時間交易的服務。為了提供非同步傳輸模式,本論文建置了以SMTP為傳輸層的SOAP平台,利用SMTP的儲存再轉送的特性,提供非同步的SOAP傳輸機制。Office automation systems are computer application systems which mainly automate daily operational works in the office. The development team for such systems usually consists of analysts, designers, programmers, testers, etc. The development procedure usually goes through different phases such as system analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. Due to the frequent changing nature of modern organizations, the development model should be adapted to the demand of changing to the system. This dissertation proposes the document-service-oriented architecture and the asynchronous SOAP platform to deal with the changing requirements of the office automation systems. System development training in Taiwan focuses too much on programming skills and thus producing much more programmers than analysts or designers. Analysis and design for office automation systems require domain knowledge from various fields and technical expertise of computer hardware and software. Therefore producing a sophisticated system analyst/designer is very costly and requires very long time span. Document-service-oriented architecture, based on the service-oriented architecture, expresses a perspective of document manipulation which uses three basic document services to meet the requirement of office automation systems. The service-based processes are directly mapped to the real world documents like slips, forms or reports which should be very intuitive to both programmers and users. Therefore in the proposed architecture, it is feasible to develop an office automation system without system analysts or designers. SOAP is a protocol for exchanging XML-based messages over the computer network. There are several different types of messaging patterns in SOAP, but by far the most common development platform supports only synchronous remote procedure call. Yet asynchronous procedure call is often used in the office automation system especially for long-term transactions. Therefore the SMTP is adopted in the proposed SOAP development platform. By binding SOAP to SMTP, we can take advantage of SMTP's store and forward messaging to provide an asynchronous feature of SOAP programming. This allows SOAP to be used in a number of scenarios where HTTP is not suitable.CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPING OFFICE AUTOMATION SYSTEMS 1 1.2 THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE AND PLATFORM 6 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND RELATED WORKS 12 2.1 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS 12 2.1.1 The Waterfall Model 12 2.1.2 Prototyping Model 13 2.1.3 Spiral Model 15 2.1.4 Rational Unified Process 17 2.2 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING 19 2.2.1 RPC-Based Architecture 19 2.2.2 Message-Based Architecture 21 2.2.3 Web Services 23 CHAPTER 3 THE PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE FOR OFFICE AUTOMATION SYSTEM 26 3.1 THE FORM SERVICES 26 3.1.1 CRUD of Forms 27 3.1.2 Validation of Forms 27 3.1.3 Form Forwarding 29 3.2 LIST SERVICES 30 3.3 REPORT SERVICES 31 3.4 REPOSITORY IMPLEMENTATION 32 3.4.1 Normalization 32 3.4.2 Transactional Operations 33 3.4.3 SOAP-based Forms Repository 34 CHAPTER 4 ASYNCHRONOUS SOAP PLATFORM 36 4.1 TYPES OF SERVICE CALLS 36 4.2 RELATED DEVELOPMENT TOOLS 38 4.3 SOAP SPOOL 39 4.3 SOAP SERIALIZATION/DESERIALIZATION 40 4.4 THE WHOLE PERSPECTIVE 41 CHAPTER 5 EXAMPLES AND DEMONSTRATIONS 44 5.1 THE LIST SERVICES 44 5.2 THE FORM SERVICES 49 5.3 THE REPORT SERVICES 50 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS 521149698 bytesapplication/pdfen-US辦公室自動化系統非同步傳輸文件服務Office Automation SystemAsynchronous CommunicationDocument Services辦公室自動化系統之文件服務導向架構與非同步簡單物件存取協定平台Document-Service-Oriented Architecture and Asynchronous SOAP Platform for Office Automation Systemthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/53767/1/ntu-95-D89922004-1.pdf