2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715252本系前身為植物病理學系,原隸屬於植物病蟲害學系植物病理組,設立於1949年,為本校成立最早的教研單位之一。因為病原微生物與昆蟲的性質迥異,植物病蟲害學系自始即分成植物病理與昆蟲兩組,且於1998年再分成植物病理學系與昆蟲學系。 植物病理學系的主要功能在教導同學認識各種植物病原,包括真菌、細菌、線蟲、病毒及植物菌質,瞭解非傳染性病害的重要性,熟習植物病害診斷技術與病害防治方法,並探討植物與病原之間的交互作用。2003年,本系改名為植物病理與微生物學系(簡稱植微系),以突顯本系教學研究的內涵,即涵蓋了「植物病理」與「微生物」兩大領域。本系以前瞻觀念及創新做法,培育具有微生物學與植物病理學學識之人才。將傳統與分生技術結合,推展符合當代潮流之學術研究,發揮農業應用之知識經濟策略。加強植物防檢疫、植物保護專業之養成,開發微生物資源寶藏及其應用價值等均為本系努力之方向,期能培育人才、貢獻所學、服務於社會。 學生所修習之基礎及核心課程,使得訓練由基本生物學概念延伸到分子生物層次的瞭解。嚴格的微生物學實驗課程及分生技術實習增進學生對研究設計、操作的熟悉與正確認知。因此,於進階課程中,本系設計諸多應用性課程以便學生應證之前所學基礎核心課程之理論,及發展植物病理與微生物專業領域。儘管如此,學生可自由選修其他科系所開設的課程、學程以及申請輔系,以建立更多元的知識領域。科系學生繼續深造者已遍佈各類生物相關領域,包括植物病理學、微生物學、植物科學、生物科技、分子生物學、生物化學、食品科技、生物醫學、微生物及免疫學等研究所。 此外,畢業後的發展極其寬廣,於國內中研院、各大學、農委會防疫檢疫局、農業試驗所、林業試驗所、藥物毒物試驗所、各地區農業試驗改良場、種苗繁殖場、食品工業研究所、生物技術開發中心、衛生署藥檢局、疾病管制局、工研院生醫中心、種苗公司、植物保護公司、生物技術公司等擔任關鍵職務,就業範圍廣及農業科技、生物醫藥等相關機構。The Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology is engaged in education and research on all aspects of plant pathology, plant disease management, and microbiology. The department confers BS, MS, and PhD degrees through offering a range of courses that address the biology of all microbes, including fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses, viroids and phytoplasma, as well as Plant Pathology, Plant Disease Control, and Applied Microbiology, with the aim to equip the students with a solid background in plant pathology and microbiology. The department faculties and research teams address the needs from growers and the quarantine agency to solve immediate agricultural problems, which involve the development of molecular techniques for rapid diagnosis of plant diseases and the strategies for efficient management of plant diseases. In addition, we investigate microbial ecology and the mechanisms underlying the development of both infectious and non-infectious plant diseases by applying classical and cutting-edge technologies. The department also emphasizes on the study of microbial diversity and the applications of microbial resources, with special interest on the analysis of secondary metabolites, the identification of physiologically active substances, and the development of microbial agents for organic agriculture. The department focuses research in five main fields: Plant pathology and plant medicine: The study of plant pathology, pathogenic microbiology, disease cycles, disease transmission, disease diagnosis, diseases transmitted by vectors, non-infectious disease; the development of techniques for plant health quarantine and inspections, non-pesticidal management, healthy seedling production, molecular breeding, disease resistant transgenic plants. Basic microbial research: Microbiomes of different ecosystems; microbial taxonomy, ecology, molecular phylogeny, and population genetics; microbial reproduction physiology, signal transductions, and population interactions; microbial genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Plant-microbe interactions: Mechanisms underlying pathogenesis of microbial pathogens, plant immunity, plant resistance, plant-microbe interactions. Techniques for molecular detection of microbes: Preparation of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies; development of techniques for detection and identification based on immuno-assays, PCR, and real-time quantitative PCR Applied microbiology: Construction and applications of vectors; analysis of microbial secondary metabolites and their applications for the improvement of human health; microbial fermentation, development of biopestides and other microbial agents for organic agriculture.Plant Pathology and MicrobiologyAcademic Institute