2016-08-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/660832摘要:慢性疾病患者的生活品質低於健康人。而精神障礙者的生活品質除了低於健康人之外,甚至比其他慢性疾病患者來的差。雖然精神醫療的發展已經使得個案功能改善,進一步得以在社區上過正常的生活。但是生活品質的研究結果顯示,精神障礙者仍需要適當的服務以改善生活品質與滿意度。過去研究顯示,影響精障者生活品質因素有年齡、教育程度、疾病嚴重度、個人掌控感、社會支持等等,為了瞭解個案的生活品質,必須有良好的架構以及生活品質測量的指標作為基礎。本計畫的目的即是透過國際合作方式,與美國大型計畫-個案自陳成效測量資訊系統(patient reported outcome measurement information system, PROMIS)的核心實驗室的研究者合作,共同發展生活品質測量的繁體中文版,並進行測試,建立台灣個案生活品質相關量表的完整版、簡短版以及電腦適性測驗版本。 新出版的 DSM-V中建議要了解個案的某些功能時,採用 PROMIS 計畫發展的標準化量表,因此本研究要引進上述提及的量表,包括情緒困擾-焦慮(29 題),情緒困擾-憂鬱(28題),情緒困擾-憤怒(22題),睡眠困擾(27題)以及睡眠相關的障礙(16題)。預計以3年時間,透過嚴謹的翻譯、反翻譯、認知檢測等流程,完成繁體中文版之建置,並進行正常與臨床個案之測試,探討這些量表的信度與效度,進一步建置量表的簡短版以及電腦適性版本,做為未來臨床服務與探討治療成效之用。 本計畫的完成將提供一套具有良好測量品質的生活品質相關量表,有助於研究精神障礙者以及其他特定診斷群(如癌症病患)之生活品質,相關因素之探究,並用以探討介入之成效,做為未來臨床服務、診斷或是發展新療法的基本工具。完成的中文版量表也可建置於 PROMIS 網站或是連結,供國際研究者使用。<br> Abstract: Persons with chronic disease have poorer quality of life than normal people. Among the client groups, researchers in mental health area have been faced a problem to find proper quality of life scale and related measures which are reliable and valid, and can be relied upon to provide adequate information regarding clients’ quality of life. Although the progress of the modern psychiatry promote the functional recovery of the persons with mental illness, the quality of life for those persons are still in need of attention. Literature showed that factors related to quality of life for persons with mental illness included age, educational level, symptom severity, sense of mastery and social support amongst others. In order to study the quality of life for persons with mental illness and other conditions, a well defined framework and measures with sound psychometric qualities are necessary. The purpose of the current proposal is to collaborate with researchers from one of the renowned project PROMIS (Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System), and develop the traditional Chinese version of the quality of life related measures including full version, short version and computer adaptive version. According to the DSM-V published in May of 2013, it suggested that clinicians apply standardized functional assessment to measure the variables of interests. Scales developed by PROMIS was listed amongst others. For the purpose of applying these scales in our clinical service and research, we plan to translate these 5 scales including emotional distress-anxiety (29 items), emotional distress-depression (28 items), emotional distress-anger (22 items), sleep disturbance (27 items) and sleep-related impairment (16 items). We will adapt standard procedure of translation developed by PROMIS core center to translate these scales. We will also validate these scales using normal and clinical sample. Finally, we plan to construct a set of traditional Chinese version of these scales including full version, short version and computer adaptive version. The complete of the project would offer a sound quality of life related measures for use in clinical services and outcome research. Eventually, these scales can be obtained through PROMIS website and circulated for use in Chinese research community.The Development and Validation of the PROMIS-Quality of Life Related Scales in Taiwan