詹國禎臺灣大學:電機工程學研究所胡長霖Hu, Chang-LinChang-LinHu2007-11-262018-07-062007-11-262018-07-062004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/53108自1973年發展迄今,雷射都卜勒流量術已被廣泛應用在微粒運動的量測上,而其在生物醫學方面的應用,尤其引人注目。其非侵入式的量測特性,且具備優異的速度解析度以及高空間解析度等特性,使其在臨床微循環的研究上成為不可或缺的利器。 由於微循環結構上的差異且易受外在環境,如溫度、探頭壓力及受試者內在情緒,如脈搏、呼吸的影響,因此無法直接經由微循環流量的大小來作為循環功能是否有異樣的參考標準。不過所量得之微循環流量在受刺激後呈現的相對變化,在生理意義上卻能提供許多有價值的參考指標。因此在本研究中,我們將利用壓脈帶縛在手臂上,經由自動壓力計的充放氣過程中,觀察指尖微循環血流量的相對變化,進而判斷其血壓與擷取循環功能參數Z、PF、tp。 本研究主要分成兩個部分,第一個部分是雷射都卜勒流量計的系統架設,希望經由此流量計能準確量測出微循環流量的變化情形,目前流量計的流速指標<ω>與實際血液仿體流速的相關係數已達到R=0.99的高線性關係;第二部分則是將流量計應用在人體的血壓量測與循環功能參數的擷取。目前自行設計的雷射都卜勒流量計血壓量測準確度已達一般振盪式示波法血壓計的水準,且可擷取生理上循環功能參數並推論是否有水腫或周邊動脈阻塞性疾病病徵的存在或出現與否。Since 1973, the development of laser Doppler flowmetry has been widely used to measure the motion of particles. Among various applications, its biomedical application is especially noticeable. Characterizing for its noninvasive measurement, perfect resolution of velocity, and high spatial resolution, laser Doppler flowmetry has become an essential tool for clinical microcirculation researches. We can’t directly judge whether circulatory function is dysfunctional through microcirculatory flow because the differences between the microcirculatory structures are massive and microcirculatory flow can easily change with external environment and internal causes such as temperature, probe pressure, pulsation, and respiration. However, the relative variation of the microcirculatory flow, for example, after mechanical or heat stimulus, can provide a lot of meaningfully physiological parameters. Thus in the research, we fasten our arms with the occlusion cuff, observing the relative variation of the microcirculatory flow in the fingertip through the variation of the automatic manometer. Then we can acquire functional circulatory parameters such as BZ, PF, and tp. The research is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is the setup of the laser Doppler flow meter. We expect it to exactly reflect the variation of the microcirculatory flow. At present, the correlation coefficient R between the indexes of the flow meter's velocity <ω> and practically velocity of blood mimicking fluids has reached a high linear relation of 0.99. In the second part, we measure blood pressure and acquire functional circulatory parameters by using flowmeter. At present, the blood pressure measurement using our homemade laser Doppler flowmeter yielded the same accuracy as the one of auscultation sphygmomanometer (oscillometric method). Moreover, we can acquire functional circulatory parameters and judge whether we have a symptom of edema or peripheral arterial occlusive diseases.頁數 中文摘要………………………………………………………Ⅰ 英文摘要………………………………………………………Ⅱ 圖目錄索引……………………………………………………Ⅵ 表目錄索引……………………………………………………Ⅷ 第一章 緒論 1-1 研究動機……………………………………………………1 1-2 雷射都卜勒流量計應用在微循環研究的進展……………2 1-3 微循環功能參數簡介……………………………………4 1-3-1 血壓…………………………………………………4 1-3-2 血壓計的發展………………………………………5 1-3-3 血壓計的分類………………………………………5 1-3-4 微循環功能參數介紹……………………………8 1-4 研究目的……………………………………………………8 1-5 論文架構……………………………………………………9 第二章 實驗原理 2-1 微循環簡介…………………………………………………11 2-2 雷射都卜勒流量術…………………………………………13 2-3 光混頻原理…………………………………………………15 2-4 First Weighted Moment 演算法…………………………17 2-5 壓脈帶充放氣過程的變化情形……………………………19 2-6 血壓判斷之生理意義………………………………………20 2-7 雷射都卜勒流量訊號評估循環功能參數………………28 2-7-1 Biological Zero(BZ) …………………………28 2-7-2 Reactive Hyperemia………………………………29 2-8 小波轉換介紹………………………………………………29 2-8-1 小波轉換緣起………………………………………30 2-8-2 小波分析基本理論…………………………………31 2-8-3 小波的分解與重建…………………………………33 第三章 系統架構與實驗方法 3-1 雷射都卜勒流量計…………………………………………36 3-2 系統校正……………………………………………………40 3-2-1 壓力感測器校正測試………………………………40 3-2-2 雷射都卜勒流量計系統校正………………………41 3-2-3 雷射都卜勒流量計之BCB 操作介面………………43 3-3 雷射都卜勒流量計的量測方法……………………………44 3-3-1 實驗室量測方法……………………………………44 3-3-2 小波轉換消除干擾訊號……………………………48 3-3-3 台大醫院加護病房量測方法………………………48 3-4 實驗條件……………………………………………………52 3-4-1 血壓量測方面………………………………………53 3-4-2 循環功能參數評估方面…………………………53 第四章 實驗結果與討論 4-1 雷射都卜勒系統校正………………………………………54 4-2 血壓量測……………………………………………………57 4-2-1 醫院量測結果………………………………………57 4-2-2 實驗室量測結果……………………………………58 4-3 經小波轉換的流量波形訊號………………………………62 4-4 Biological zero 與Reactive hyperemia 的探討 ……64 4-4-1 水腫病患實際量測結果……………………………64 4-4-2 動脈阻塞病患實際量測結果………………………67 第五章 結論……………………………………………………69 參考文獻…………………………………………………………712961192 bytesapplication/pdfen-US雷射都卜勒水腫循環功能參數血壓周邊動脈阻塞性疾病laser Dopplerfunctional circulatory parametersblood pressureedemaPAOD雷射都卜勒流量計之設計與其在循環功能參數上之研究Study of Functional Circulatory Parameters Using Laser Doppler Flowmeterthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/53108/1/ntu-93-R91921031-1.pdf