2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714757The Graduate Institute of Drama and Theatre was founded on August 1, 1995. Our course design conjoins Chinese and Western dramatic theories. At present the institute has two divisions: (1) Theory Study and (2) Playwriting. The former division focuses on the aspects of theatrical history, texts, theories, and aesthetics with the aim of cultivating future researchers and professors. On the other hand, the latter emphasizes on dramatic creation and aesthetics to foster promising playwrights and professors. M.A. candidates can opt for their research topic according to personal interest. The successful candidates will be awarded an M.A. (Master of Arts) degree. In 1999, the Department of Drama and Theatre was formed, awarding B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) degrees. Each academic year, we recruit an approximate 35 to 40 students (with levelled out gender) to nurture future researchers, playwrights, theatrical artists, high school teachers, and specialist in cultural industry for Taiwan. Based on the approval of the Ministry of Education on the Department's pedagogical performance and academic contributions, the Department established the doctoral program on August 1, 2014, awarding successful candidates with a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy). The program aims to conduct academic theatre studies and cross-disciplinary research, and discover various angles for applied theory in hopes of constructing a panoramic vision in theatrical studies. The course design of the undergraduate program conjoins theory and practice, aesthetics and technique, tradition and modernity, and Chinese and Western theories to provide well-rounded theatrical education on a solid cultural basis. Our aim is to provide students with the opportunities to become familiar with various theatrical aspects such as history, theory, playwriting, acting, directing, design, and technique. Students are able to pursue advanced studies according to their inclinations and competence. Furthermore, all students are encouraged to make the best use of the abundant academic resources available at the university. Based on their interests and career goals, they may take courses offered by other colleges and departments, enroll in certificate programs or apply for a minor or double major. Starting from the 2002 academic year, students may take courses offered by several departments at National Taipei University of Education, National Cheng-Chi University, and Taipei National University of the Arts with which a cooperative relationship has been formally established. To help students become qualified teachers, the department also takes part in the university's Education Programs, and high school faculty preliminary training program in Performing Arts. In order to provide students with facilities and sufficient space, the department utilized portions of the Fund for Excellence to overcome the inherent spatial limitations and set up specified classrooms and theatres. In 2007 and 2011, students of the Department participated in the preliminary competition of Prague Quadrennial and high portions of their work were elected for display in Prague. Many of our alumni were accepted into prestigious universities abroad; they studied theatre and other related disciplinary, and graduated with honors. Our alumni have outstanding performances in a wide range of fields: academia, theatre, playwriting, film and television, publishing, etc.本系研究所碩士班成立於1995年8月1日,以理論研究為發展方向,課程設計兼顧東方與西方,著重於歷史、文本、理論、美學等層面,培養未來的戲劇研究者及中高等教育師資。碩士生可依興趣擇定研究領域,取得文學碩士(Master of Arts)學位。 為了戲劇教育的一貫性及完整性,本校於1999年成立學士班,授予文學學士學位(Bachelor of Arts),每年平均招收學生35~40名(男女各半),為國家培育未來的戲劇研究者、編創人才、劇場暨藝術工作者、中等教育師資,以及文化產業之中堅人才。 基於教育部對本系教學績效與學術貢獻的肯定,本系於2014年8月1日成立博士班,授予文學博士學位(Doctor of Philosophy)。在發展方向上,博士班運用臺大作為綜合性研究型大學的優勢,著重戲劇研究的學術化,並進行跨領域研究,開發理論的運用面向,力求國際視野之提升。學士班課程則兼顧理論與實務、美學與技法、傳統與現代、東方與西方,希望在厚實的人文基礎上提供全面、均衡的戲劇教育,讓每位學生得以於戲劇各個層面如歷史、理論、編創、表導演、設計、技術等獲得充分的學習,並依學生個人興趣與才能為他們提供進階專業課程。此外,本系鼓勵學生以選修、學程、輔系、雙主修等方式廣為利用臺大豐沛的學術資源。除本校簽訂的校際選課合作協議外,本系與國立政治大學廣播電視學系及國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈學院另簽有校際選課合作協議,並與上海戲劇學院簽有交換學生計畫備忘錄等,以廣拓學生視野。為貫通學生投入戲劇教育師資的管道,本系自93學年度起協助規劃高級中等學校「藝術群-表演藝術專長」及國民中學「藝術領域表演藝術專長」師資之職前教育專門課程。 在硬體設備方面,本系除了排除場地與空間的種種困難,提供學生適當的學習空間。近年來,更運用五年五百億的部分經費,在有限的空間下做最妥善的運用,分別設立專業教室,讓學生可以學以致用,從事創作,成效頗彰。2007年、2011年及2015年,本系學生參加 PQ’07、PQ’11 與PQ’15 布拉格四年展,分別以8件、7件與3件作品入選,代表臺灣赴布拉格參展。 本系畢業生前往國外著名學府深造者比例頗高,研究領域遍及戲劇及相關領域,表現優異,學有所成。本系畢業生於職場表現傑出,不論是投入學術領域,在國內外大專院校任教,或從事劇場工作,或擔任專業劇本編創,或加入電視、電影製作公司,或任職藝文出版界,有引領風潮之勢。Drama and TheatreAcademic Institute