駱尚廉2006-07-262018-06-282006-07-262018-06-282003-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/22111本研究以電膠羽浮除法結合化學沉 降法處理高濃度的含氟廢水,實驗結果顯 示,在批式實驗中發現,γOH+F 為鋁鹽去氟 主要的控制因子,當γOH+F=3,γOH>2.4 時,氟離子去除率接近100%,此結果同 時適用於在電膠羽浮除反應。硫酸根及其 他多價陰離子的存在會增加鋁電極之陽 極過電位,會對電膠羽浮除系統造成最大 的影響。另外,亦會降低浮除效果。電膠 羽浮除反應中之氟離子的去除反應可以 「變階反應模式」模擬。結合鈣鹽沈澱法 後,SS 及氟離子去除效果在添加適量的 SDS 後均有良好的去除率。Electrocoagulation and calcium preci-pitation are combined to treat high fluoride containing wastewater. Results indicate that the sum of the molar ratio of hydroxide to aluminum and the molar ratio of fluoride to aluminum (γOH+F) governs the defluoridation with aluminum salts. In electric kinetic experiment, the results indicate γOH+F can also be used as the key parameter and sulfate or other multi-valence anions influenced the system most because they rise the anodic over-potential. A variable order kinetic model can be used to simulate the defluori-dation in EC. The flotation of SS in EC is successful with adding appreciate amounts of SDS.application/pdf56933 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所電膠羽浮除法化學沉降法氟 離子electrocoagulationcalcium precipitationfluoride電膠羽浮除法去除水中氟離子之研究(II)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/22111/1/912211E002027.pdf