2013-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/686753摘要:數量性狀基因座定位的相關研究,在累積了近15年的研究成果顯現了一個有趣的共通現象,即具有關聯的外表性狀,其數量性狀基因座時常會定位至相同的染色體區間,此一現象或許與 “共同適應的複合式基因組” 的現象有關。番茄柱頭外凸的主效數量性狀基因座即為一個範例,其中 style2.1、stamen2.2、與 stamen2.3被定位在小於0.23 cM的染色體區間。使用81個野生番茄種原 Solanum pimpinellifolium 進行關聯性遺傳定位,也顯示在相對應於0.23cM染色體區間的 179 kb基因體序列中,除了style2.1基因之外,確實存在另一個基因與雄蕊長度的變異有關。 本研究計畫預定進行此一候選基因的選殖工作與此候選基因功能的分析,期望自分子遺傳觀點,提供此一染色體區間為一個“共同適應的複合式基因組”的證據。此外,也計畫重新定序這個179kb 在81個S. pimpinellifolium 野生番茄的基因體序列,希望能同時透過分子演化的觀點,解釋 “共同適應的複合式基因組” 的可能形成因素。 <br> Abstract: Accumulated information in the past 15 years from QTL mapping studies reveals an interesting phenomenon that QTLs of closely relevant phenotypes often were mapped onto the same overlapped chromosomal region, which is reminiscent to the “co-adapted gene complex”. The major QTL of stigma exsertion se2.1 in tomato is a typical example where style2.1, stamen2.2, and stamen2.3 were genetically finely mapped in a 0.23cM chromosomal region. A following study using 81 wild tomatoes Solanum pimpinellifolium to conduct association genetic analysis confirmed that another gene controlling stamen length, in addition to style2.1, was mapped within the 179kb genomic region corresponding to the 0.23cM chromosomal region. The current project proposes to conduct two different analyses: one is to clone and functionally characterize this candidate gene, to provide the molecular evidence of this co-adapted gene complex; the other is to conduct targeting re-sequencing of the aforementioned 179kb chromosomal region of the 81 S. pimpinellifolium accessions, in order to find the possible explanation how the “co-adapted gene complex” was formed by the aspect of the molecular evolution.複合式基因座番茄雄蕊長度選殖gene complextomatostamen lengthcloning番茄se2.1複合式基因座中調控雄蕊長度基因之確認與分析