黃恆獎2006-07-262018-06-292006-07-262018-06-292000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/17004本文以LISREL 結構關係模型(structural equation model),利用台灣本地廠商之 跨國合資製造業案例為實證對象,探討資訊科技是否會改變國際合資企業中,股 權、控制及績效表現的連動關係。本研究將以資訊控制觀念著眼,驗證資訊科技與 股權之間是否具有某種形式的替代關係。另外,本研究也將嘗試探討資訊科技是否 有助於雙方母公司的溝通協調品質,減少重複協調談判的成本,並進而提高管理階 層的策略規畫效率。最後,本文亦討論資訊科技如何縮短國際合資企業雙方的文化 距離,進而提高國際合資企業的績效表現。本文的發現,具有極大的學術開創性, 同時在管理上的意涵,亦值得實務界深入思考。1 This study investigates how information technology (IT) affects the ways international joint ventures (IJVs) closely link their ownership structures and control mechanisms to organizational performance. To this research end, a LISREL-type structural equation model is empirically tested using IJV cases involving Taiwanese manufacturers and foreign partners. Approaching the organizational issue from IT-based viewpoints, this study explores the possibility of substituting IT for traditional equity control. Moreover, this paper also attempts to explain whether IT contributes to the coordination and/or communication efficiency and efficacy between joint venture parents, leads to significant reductions in negotiation costs between parent firms, and increases the strategic planning capabilities of the top management teams. Finally, a major issue in this study is to discuss how IT narrows the cultural distances between joint venture partners and ensures better IJV performances. This paper is among the pioneering studies that address the academic insights as well as the managerial implications of recent IT developments.application/pdf107152 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學國際企業學系暨研究所資訊科技組織績效跨國合資結構關係模式information technologyorganizational performanceinternational joint venturestructural equation models資訊科技對跨國合資企業控制與績效之影響:台灣製造業的實證reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/17004/1/892416H002025.pdf