電機資訊學院: 資訊工程學研究所指導教授: 廖世偉張鈞為Chang, Chun-WeiChun-WeiChang2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275483在現在社會中,隨著科技的大幅進步,越來越多的事物開始跟數位生活結合。其中包括了資產的數位化-數位資產(數位貨幣)。從過去最簡單的數位點數概念,透過儲值的方式在遊戲或線上商城消費,到近幾年瘋狂流行的比特幣(Bitcoin),以及現在世界各地不斷研究的數位金融科技,都可以視為是資產數位化的實例。 其中又以比特幣的發展最為快速。比特幣底層的核心技術我們稱為區塊鏈(Blockchain)。基於區塊鏈的匿名、安全及不可篡改等等特性,吸引了很多使用者在比特幣網路上進行交易。區塊鏈技術也吸引了成千上萬的開發者前來開發,不論是修改區塊鋉本身的設計,或是在現有的區塊鏈上做出新的應用,都讓區塊鋉成為這兩年來最熱門的資訊名詞之一。 但原本的比特幣區塊鏈只支援單一貨幣(即Bitcoin),因為這種特性,造成了比特幣在對應到一些現實生活中的行為上會出現一些困難,也大大限制了區塊鏈的可使用性。於是有人開始思考如何在區塊鏈上抽象地做出多種可流動的Token。常見的像bitcoin 2.0等meta-layer,如OmniLayer。又或是自己修改後另開不同的區塊鏈,如GCOIN blockchain,提供了一般區塊鏈不存在的「治理架構」的概念。 本研究致力於設計一個將GCOIN特有的治理架構,實做在比特幣區塊鏈上的meta-layer(即Omni),目標做出一個既讓人放心使用,又能讓區塊鏈服務合乎更多現實生活所需要的功能。In this decade, the digitization of our daily life became more important these days. Especially digital currency, it became one of the most popular digitization topic in this trend. Bitcoin, the most popular digital currency nowadays, also became one of the hottest research topic. In Bitcoin network, the most important feature is “blockchain”, a public distributed ledger. Due to the safety that Bitcoin blockchain guarantee, Bitcoin attracts many users to do transaction on it. Also, blockchain technique attracts many developers to research and develop on it. However, because of some nature limitation on Bitcoin blockchain, sometimes Bitcoin cannot match user’s need. To break these limitations, many different new designs show up these years. Some developers develop applications on original Bitcoin blockchain. For example, many bitcoin 2.0 meta-layer applications, like OmniLayer, provide their service in this way. Other developers try to design their own blockchain to replace original Bitcoin blockchain. For example, GCOIN use their new blockchain design to provide multiple properties and governance structure features. Both two ways have their own pros and cons. In this paper, we implemented GCOIN governance structure feature on OmniLayer, and try to provide a trustable and safe solution for those who want to use GCOIN features on Bitcoin blockchain.675296 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)比特幣區塊鏈數位資產BitcoinblockchainGCOINdigital assetomni基於類比特幣區塊鍊上的虛擬資產發行與管理的治理架構之設計實做Governance structure for virtual asset issuance and management on bitcoin-like Blockchainthesis10.6342/NTU201602291http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275483/1/ntu-105-R03922050-1.pdf