韓選棠博士臺灣大學:生物環境系統工程學研究所陳冠華Hua, Chen-GuanChen-GuanHua2007-11-272018-06-292007-11-272018-06-292005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/56050摘要 餐飲設施是農民因應從事休閒活動而設置之設施物,其主要為結合農業原有經營活動與使用空間,使遊客於休閒中藉由食用具農業特色餐點,增加遊客對農業及農村文化之體驗;但經農民反應於農業用地興建餐飲設施受限土地使用管制規定及休閒農業政策影響,現僅能依規定於合法休閒農場中設置,於一般農業用地上並無可依循申請之法源及申設面積規定,因此侷限了農民轉型休閒農業發展的契機。 從使用需求角度,為延續農業永續發展與農民生存必要,有效管理農業用地及解決現無法符合申設規定卻又有實際生存需求之已設置餐飲設施問題,農業用地有必要依據現今農業情勢放寬農業生產為規範方向之土地使用管制規定,及修訂興建餐飲設施之允建面積規定,方能使農業用地之土地使用及建物開發不會因自行建造而失去控制。 本研究探討農業用地興建餐飲設施允建面積,係以台北市休閒農業經營個體中已興建餐飲設施案例為研究範圍,探討限制興建之法令規定為何;另再藉由研究範圍之現況調查了解使用需求,配合餐飲設施申設面積推估理論,求得興建餐飲設施建築面積建議值,併同提供主管單位未來進行檢討農業用地土地使用管制制度及修訂餐飲設施建築面積之參考依據。 限制農業用地興建餐飲設施之法令探討部分,以台北市土地使用管制規則與休閒農業輔導管理辦法為主,經探討結果現於農業用地興建餐飲設施如無取得休閒農場申設資格、申設土地未達規定面積、申設土地及建築物涉及違反其他法令規定就無法合法興建餐飲設施,另因未規定餐飲設施申設規模及項目,故即便放寬限制規定亦無法執行管制之工作,故於農業用地興建餐飲設施確有因法令規範無法興建問題,若能於農業用地土地使用容許項目增列「餐飲業、飲食業」項目、配合修正休閒農業輔導管理辦法中有關餐飲設施興建規定,應能使餐飲設施有興建之法源依據。 另於農業用地興建餐飲設施允建面積探討部分,係以集中於台北市文山區從事茶園經營之14間個體為研究對象,藉由現地問卷訪談與紀錄,得知現有餐飲設施除提供餐飲服務外,亦需提供前來從事其他休閒產業活動之消費者使用,根據前述使用型態特性,以單日最多來園人數使用類型推估餐飲設施建築面積至少應設置167平方公尺;另以單日最適合來園人數使用類型推估餐飲設施建築面積至少應設置148.5 平方公尺,方能符合現有餐飲設施基本使用需求。 關鍵字:農業用地;餐飲設施;允建面積Abstract The Settlement of food and Beverage facilities are set up due to needs of peasants for running recreational activities. It mainly combines the original activities in operation and spaces being taken up. It enables tourists to experience and recognize cultures in the agricultural through rural- styled dinning. However, peasants have reflected that due to restrictions of the land use laws and agricultural recreation policies, construction of catering facilities is only limited to legal recreational farms in accordance with the law. Regular agricultural estates have no traceable laws and rules in area allotment, therefore, peasants’ wish to transform from agricultural estates to recreational agricultural developments are restricted. From the demand and use angle, in order to perpetuate the development of agriculture, effectively manage agricultural lands and solve the problem of existing catering facilities not permitted by law, it is necessary for agricultural estates to be alleviated from the related laws on lands that were supposedly used for agricultural purposes depending on different situations. Building zone allowance need to be amended so that agricultural estates, land use, and building developments won’t be out of control from self-construction. This research aims to discuss construction of catering facilities on agricultural estates and its building zone allowance. The scope of this research will be on the agricultural operational units with catering facilities in Taipei. Construction laws and restrictions are discussed here. In addition, use and demand can be attained through case condition study. In accordance with the estimated area allotment theories of catering facilities, we get a catering facility construction area reading. The result will be provided for supervising units for future evaluation of land use restriction systems and serves as reference for amendments of catering facility building area. Restrictions on agricultural estate use and catering facility laws are discussed. Based on land use, restrictive rules and guidance management of recreational farms in Taipei, after discussion, we have found out that the construction of catering facilities is not allowed if qualifications of recreational farm application are not met, and the application of land has not reached the size of area stated by law, or application of land and buildings are involved in violation with other laws. Furthermore, even with the alleviation of restrictions, it does not regulate catering facility size and business items; management control still cannot be executed. As a result, in the case where construction of catering facilities is not permitted by law, the items of ‘catering service, food service” can be added to the agricultural estate use. Together, with modified recreational agricultural guidance management and related catering facility construction laws, catering facilities will be constructed in accordance with law. On the other hand, in the discussion of constructing catering facility building zone allowance, the study subjects are concentrated on 14 individual operators of tea plantations in the Wen-shan district of Taipei city. Through on –site questionnaire interviews and records, we have found out that catering facilities are not only used for providing cater services, they also provide for consumer use of those who go there to engage in other recreational activities. In accordance with the aforementioned characteristics, we have estimated that with a single daily maximum visits of a tea plantation, it requires at least 187 square meters of catering facility area. In addition, with a single daily optimum number of visitors, at least 148.5 square meters of catering facility area is required. These criteria must be met in order to have the basic use requirement of catering facilities. Key words: Agricultural Land; The Settlement of Food and Beverage facilities; Allowable construction Area目 次 謝誌………………………………………………………………… Ⅰ 論文摘要…………………………………………………………… Ⅱ 英文摘要…………………………………………………………… Ⅲ 目次………………………………………………………………… Ⅴ 附表一覽…………………………………………………………… VI 附圖一覽…………………………………………………………… VII 第一章 緒論………………………………………………………1-1 第一節 研究動機及目的………………………………………1-1 第二節 研究內容及範圍………………………………………1-2 第三節 研究方法、調查計畫及研究流程……………………1-4 第四節 相關名詞解釋…………………………………………1-13 第二章 農業用地興建餐飲設施之背景、構成、規範與限制…2-1 第一節 農業用地興建餐飲設施建物之背景與重要性………2-1 第二節 餐飲設施建物之構成與類型…………………………2-4 第三節 農業用地興建餐飲設施之規範與限制………………2-14 第三章 農業用地興建餐飲設施案例現況調查與分析…………3-1 第一節 調查項目與資料分析…………………………………3-1 第二節 調查資料檢討…………………………………………3-11 第四章 餐飲設施面積推估方法及允建面積建議………………4-1 第一節 每人次餐飲設施建築面積推估理論…………………4-1 第二節 餐飲設施面積推估方法………………………………4-4 第三節 餐飲設施允建面積推估建議…………………………4-6 第四節 餐飲設施建築面積推估結果分析與檢討……………4-11 第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………5-1 第一節 結論……………………………………………………5-1 第二節 建議……………………………………………………5-3 參考文獻……………………………………………………………參-1 附表1 案例調查資料表……………………………………………………附1-1 附錄1 台北市農業區、保護區土地使用管制規則法令條文內容………附2-1 附錄2 台北市土地使用分區管制規則第五條土地及建築物使用組別之使用項目…………………………………………………………………附3-1 附錄3 休閒農業輔導管理辦法……………………………………………附4-14981338 bytesapplication/pdfen-US農業用地餐飲設施允建面積Allowable construction AreaAgricultural LandThe Settlement of Food and Beverage facilities[SDGs]SDG15台北市農業用地興建餐飲設施允建面積探討研究-以文山區為例The Analytical Research on the Allowable construction Area for the Settlement of Food and Beverage facilities in Agricultural Land in Taipei Citythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/56050/1/ntu-94-R89622044-1.pdf