南台技術學院圖書館Library of the Nantai Institute of Technology楊智晶Yang, Chih-Ching EmilyChih-Ching EmilyYang2010-08-062018-05-302010-08-062018-05-301998-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/190597「全國圖書資訊網路」 (National Bibliographic Information Network, 簡稱NBINet),是由位於台灣的國家圖書館(舊名:國立中央圖書館)於1991年10月30日正式啟用的台灣書目網路,開始時由16所國立大學院校圖書館及2所公共圖館共18所加入成為合作館,到1998年共有26所合作館及70所非合作館加入,1997年6月時,NBINet已建立了一百六十餘萬筆的書目記錄,是國際上查詢「中文資料」的一個豐富及重要的資料庫。本文將探討NBINet建置時所遭遇與電腦及網路相關問題之探討與及解決之道,以及NBINet如何連接「台灣學術網路」TANet及其在「網際網路」Internet上的利用,和未來使用者對NBINet之期望,希望能提供給日後建置類似書目資訊系統資料庫之規劃人員參考。The National Bibliographic Information Network (NBINet) is a bibliographic database established on October 30, 1991 and maintained by Taiwan's National Library (National Central Library). Initially, the database included 18 member libraries (16 from national universities and 2 from the public libraries). In 1998, there are 26 member libraries and 70 non-member libraries joined the NBINet. This NBINet has been considered a comprehensive and important database for Chinese studies worldwide and offered more than 1.6 million entries of bibliography records on June 1997. This paper consists three perspectives of NBINet : (1) NBINet's problems and solutions in relation to computerization and the Internet, (2) its connection with Taiwan Academic Network (TANet) and Internet, (3) and users' expectation toward NBINet. Hopefully, this kind of the experience for establishing a bibliographic database can be used as a reference for others who may want 10 build up a similier database.en-US資料轉檔書目資料庫國際標準組織書目中心File conversionBibliographic DatabaseISO (International Standard Organization)Bibliographic Utility台灣圖書館書目資訊中心建置之電腦與網路相關問題之研究Computer and Network Relational Study for Building the National Bibliographic Information Network (NBINet) in Taiwanjournal articledoi: 10.6182/jls.1998.13.199http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/190597/-1/o13-9.pdf