洪一平臺灣大學:資訊工程學研究所張延瑜Chang, Yan-YuYan-YuChang2010-06-092018-07-052010-06-092018-07-052009U0001-1108200913011800http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/185416隨著顯示科技及輸入技術的發展,許多研究致力於新型態指觸人機互動技術的開發,將電腦引入日常生活的數位裝置越來越受注目。基於圓柱系統的需求,我們發展了八面玲瓏柱— 一個使用背部投影的互動式多重解析度圓柱顯示系統。這個圓柱顯示系統目標是能讓在系統四面八方的人能同時看到資訊,並且採用多重解析度顯示與多指觸控的互動方式來幫助使用者操作,這個系統的設計需要達到以下三個要求:(1)要能在圓柱顯示上提供可控制的高解析度成像,(2)提供直覺的觸控互動方式並能作精密的控制,(3)使設置像是一個現實生活中實用的數位裝置。在多重解析度方面,我們設計了符合人類視覺特性的顯示方式,結合一台可控制方向的投影機及四台廣角投影機,僅在使用者感興趣的局部區域提供高解析度的投影畫面,而在其他的區域則僅提供較低解析度;多指觸控方面我們利用紅外線攝影機及紅外線照射燈,透過影像處理的方式進行手指的偵測及追蹤。然而我們將介紹整個系統的架構,以及顯示與互動的方法,說明圓柱裝置如何使這些應用能更加便利,以及它們的內容、放置方式、互動方式,也將會被詳細敘述及討論。In this paper, we proposed a new structure reference as the i-m-Tube to realize an unobstructed 360° multi-resolution information display and multi-touch interaction. The goal of our system is not only suitable for displaying panoramic contents, but also possible to create an intuitive and natural context for multi-user interaction with multimedia content displayed on the i-m-Tube by touch. So, the design of the i-m-Tube meets the following concerns: (1) a controllable high-resolution perception of the tubular display, (2) intuitive interaction and precise manipulation and (3) physical setup as device in our daily life. The high-resolution display is achieved by combining one steerable fovea projector and four peripheral projectors. The large-ranged touch-sensing is based on diffused illumination/FTIR and analyzed by computer vision technology. With a preliminary experiment of the applications on the i-m-Tube, it is exciting to see the i-m-Tube as a new interface for people to meet the interactive multimedia touch in this generation.1. Introduction 1. Related Work 6.1. Unobstructed Display 6.2. Touch Detection 8.2.1. Electrical Techniques for Touch Detection 9.2.2. Optical Techniques for Touch Detection 10.3. Multi-Resolution Display 13. System Design 15.1. Hardware Configuration 15.2. Software Architecture 17. System Implementation 21.1. Rendering 21.1.1. Projection Distortion 22.1.2. Multi-projector Handling 30.2. Detection 31.2.1. Multi-touch detect 32.2.2. Camera Calibration 35. Applications and Discussions 37.1. Interactive Scroll Painting Display 38.2. Panoramic Cover Flow 40.3. Tetris360 43. Conclusion and Future Work 46.1. Conclusion 46.2. Future work 48ibliography 498586409 bytesapplication/pdfen-US多重解析度多投影機多重觸控人機互動Rear ProjectionMulti-ResolutionMulti-ProjectorMulti-TouchHuman Computer Interaction互動式多重解析度柱狀顯示系統i-m-Tube: Interactive Multi-Resolutionubular Displaythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/185416/1/ntu-98-R96922024-1.pdf