國立台灣大學日本語文學系范淑文2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292012-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282759佐藤春夫的『美麗的小城』一作,敘述主角之一的畫家E君受老友之邀,參加理想的美麗小城建造計畫工程,之後老建築師T君也加入計畫行列。決定以東京隅田川之「中洲」這塊地作為小城造地後,三人每天晚上聚在一起埋首於「美麗的小城」第一期工程模型的製作中。就這樣過了三年,模型製作好不容易接近尾聲,然而就在完成前前夕,此計畫的始作俑者川崎禎藏向兩位夥伴宣稱:「我父親是個騙子,騙子的兒子也是一個騙子」,「美麗的小城」的建造根本就是一個虛擬的世界」,當他坦白事實真相後離開東京回到德國,留下畫家E君與老建築師T君茫然空虛地度日,故事也在此畫下句點。 有關「美麗的小城」日後的完成景象,計畫之主導者川崎想出各種點子讓小城日後能與外界隔絕,此外,他還對日後入住小城的居民訂了一些條件。不少學者曾提出「美麗的小城」是否算是一個烏托邦?」的質疑,本論文中分析川崎所訂的居民資格等,藉以思考『美麗的小城』中的東洋性、抑或是西洋性?進而理解『美麗的小城』的本質。Sato Haruo’s “Utsukusi mati” tells the story of the main character, an artist E, who, under the invitation of an old friend, joins in the building project of the idealistic “Utsukusi mati” (“beautiful town”). Old architect T also joins the project soon after. Following their decision to make the area “Nakasu” in Tokyo’s Sumida district as the site of their town, the trio gathers every night, immersing themselves in constructing the first phase of the model of “Utsukusi mati”. After three years, as the model is finally approaching its completion, the mastermind of this project, Kawasaki Tizo, declares to his two companions: “My father was a liar; the son of a liar is also a liar” and that “Utsukusi mati is a fictitious world”. After revealing the truth, he left Tokyo for the Germany , leaving artist E and old architect T at loss, continuing on with empty lives. Here, the story draws to a close. The mastermind of this project, Kawazaki, envisions the “Utsukusi mati” to be a city secluded from the outside world, and he comes up with various ways to make it so. In addition, he drew up conditions for potential inhabitants of this town. Many scholars thus question: “Does Utsukusi mati count as a utopia?” In this analysis, the writer will analyze both the inhabitant conditions Kawazaki established and the characteristics of those involved in the project, and through this, examine the East and West in “Utsukushi mati” to get a fuller understanding of the nature of “Utsukusi mati”.1230046 bytesapplication/pdf「美麗的小城」、烏托邦、居民、東洋性、西洋性佐藤春夫『美しい町』試論-ユートピアの問題をめぐって = 佐藤春夫『美麗的小城』小考—烏托邦之相關性—An Analysis of Sato Haruo’s “Utsukusi mati”: Its Relation to Utopiajournal article10.6183/ntujp.2012.24.75http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282759/1/0024_201212_4.pdf