朱秋而臺灣大學:日本語文學研究所黃美菁Huang, Mei-JingMei-JingHuang2010-05-042018-05-292010-05-042018-05-292008U0001-3007200814551700http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/178766與謝蕪村(1716-1784)是江戶時代有名的俳人・畫家。在他的俳句之中有十四句使用了「音なし(無聲)」這個詞語的俳句。然而,在同為江戶時代代表性俳人的芭蕉之俳句中找不到「音なし(無聲)」的用例。我想闡明蕪村之所以多次使用了這個詞語的目的,以及使用了這個詞語的俳句的特質。並且,因為「音なし(無聲)」這個詞語常表現「靜」,所以我想一併考察在句中否定會發出聲音的事物的俳句、藉由可以聽見聲音來襯托靜的俳句、最後也想考察在句中明確說出「靜」等等表現「靜」的詞語的俳句。 首先在第二章之中,將使用了「音なし」或「声なし」的詞語的俳句,分類為「無雨聲」「無水聲」「無風聲」等等類別來考察。在第三章中考察了關於否定會發出聲音的事物的俳句。在此將俳句分成與鶯或鹿等與動物有關的俳句、以及與「歌」、「云わぬ(不說)」、「聞かぬ(不聽)」等與人事相關的俳句。第四章則考察了相反地藉由可以聽到聲音來襯托靜的俳句。在此章分類為「動物」與「其他」。在第五章則考察了句中明確說到「靜」或「寂寞」等表現「靜」的詞語的俳句。在此章將這些俳句各分類為對「人的行動」「事物的推移」「靜止的存在」的描寫。 不只身為俳人同時也身為畫家的蕪村,能夠如畫的畫面般地描寫在靜的情境中靜止的事物。而他也能夠纖細而確實地捕捉在靜的情境中動著的事物或變化中的事物。他承認静的美、在俳句中歌詠。Buson Yosa is a famous haiku poet and painter of the Edo period. In his haiku, there are fourteen haiku that include the word “otonashi (soundless)”. But in the haiku of Matsuo Basho who is similarly the representative haiku poet of the Edo period, there is no example of “otonashi(soundless)”. We want to clarify the purpose that Buson used a lot of this word, and the characteristic of the haiku that include the word. In addition, because the word ”otonashi (soundless)” usually express “quiet”, we also want to discuss the haiku that deny the thing that emit sound, the haiku that enhances quiet by a sound that can be heard, and last the haiku that include the word that express quiet like “shizuka(quiet)”.irst in the chapter 2, we discuss the haiku that include the word “otonashi (soundless)” or “koenashi (voiceless)”. We classify these haiku into “there is no sound of rain”,” there is no sound of water”,” there is no sound of wind” et cetera. In the chapter 3, we discuss the haiku that deny the thing that emit sound. We classify these haiku into the haiku that relate to an animal such as bush warbler or a deer, the haiku that relate to personnel affairs like “song” “iwanu (do not say)” “kikanu(do not hear)”. In the chapter 4, we discuss the haiku that enhances quiet by a sound that can be heard. We classify these haiku into “animals ” and “the others ”. In the chapter 5, we discuss the haiku t included the word that express quiet like “shizuka (quiet)” or “loneliness”. We classify these haiku into the haiku that describe “the human movement”, “the change of the things” and “the stationary existence”.uson is not only a haiku poet but also a painter. He can describe the thing which remails stationary in quiet like the screen of the image. In addition, he catches moving things and changing things surely delicately in stillness. He recognizes beauty of the quiet and took it in in a haiku and wrote it.目次言 i要 ii Abstract iii 旨 iv一章 序論 1一節 研究動機と目的 1二節 先行研究 4三節 研究範囲と構成 8二章 「音なし」の句について 13一節 中国の「無声」と日本の「音なし」の意味 131.1 中国の「無声」 131.2 日本の「音なし」 19二節 雨の音 20三節 水の音 35四節 風の音 41五節 その他 44六節 まとめ 47三章 「音」を否定する句について 49一節 鶯 49二節 鶯以外の鳥 52三節 鹿 55四節 歌 57五節 云わぬ 62六節 聞かぬ 65七節 他の音を発するものを否定 66八節 まとめ 72四章 「音が聞こえる」ことによって静けさを引き立てる 74一節 動物 74二節 その他 78三節 「音を否定する」ことによって静けさを表現することとの比較 82五章 静かな世界 84一節 人間の動き 84二節 物事の推移 87三節 静止の存在 89四節 まとめ 92論 93amp;#21442;考文献 95application/pdf857441 bytesapplication/pdfen-US與謝蕪村俳句無聲靜寂寞Buson YosaHaikuSoundlessQuietLoneliness[SDGs]SDG3與謝蕪村俳句研究―關於「無聲」之俳句The study of haiku of Buson Yosa About the haiku that is soundlesshttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/178766/1/ntu-97-R93127010-1.pdf