臺灣大學: 機械工程學研究所陳達仁董展昇Dong, Jhan-ShengJhan-ShengDong2013-04-012018-06-282013-04-012018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/255876本論文的主要目的在於發展一套系統化的拓樸合成方法,可以根據機構之功能需求,列舉符合相容性特徵的可變拓樸機構。藉由相容性特徵,可以確保合成之機構中每個接頭的可動性。首先可由功能桿件的動作需求判斷是否需設計為可變拓樸機構,再根據功能桿件之運動空間,推測輸入桿、輸出桿與地桿間接頭的接頭型態與方向。之後由接頭相容性可知機構中迴路所需之最小運動空間,由迴路相容性得知各迴路間共同接頭之接頭型態與方向,又由自由度相容性求得可行之機構構造,透過比較機構不同階段間拓樸構造之差異,安排可變接頭可行之位置,最後在符合接頭相容性的條件下,標記所有接頭,合成出可行之可變拓樸機構。利用此可變拓樸機構合成方式,以晶圓盒上之閂鎖機構作為範例,合成可行之閂鎖機構,因符合相容性特徵,可避免最後合成之結果因接頭遭受意外拘束導致無法滿足機構之功能目的,並且透過合理安排可變接頭之數量與位置,可較有效率的找出理想之可變拓樸機構。This paper aim at developing a systematic method for topological synthesis of variable topology mechanisms. Variable topology mechanisms with obey characteristic of compatibility are enumerated. According to characteristic of compatibility, activity of joint in mechanism can be confirmed. First, make a judgment from motion requirement of functioning links whether the mechanism should be design as a variable topology mechanism . According to operation space of functioning links, the joint type and orientation of joint between ground link and input link or output link can be presume. And then we can confirm the smallest operation space of loop in mechanism by joint compatibility, confirm the joint type and orientation of common joint in every loop by loop compatibility, and construct the structure of mechanism by mobility compatibility. By the way of compare the difference of topology between different stage, the position of variable joint can be arrange. Finally, label all joint on the satisfaction of joint compatibility. Utilize the methodology of synthesizing variable topology mechanisms, and take the latch mechanism as an example. Since the admissible latch mechanisms conforms the characteristics of compatibility, it could avoid result that mechanism can’t satisfy the purpose by the unanticipated constrained of joints. And through the arrangement of position and number of variable joint, it can synthesis the ideal mechanism efficiently.710136 bytesapplication/pdfen-US可變拓樸機構拓樸合成可變接頭相容性閂鎖機構variable topology mechanismtopological synthesisvariable jointcompatibilitylatch mechanism相容性特徵與可變拓樸機構之拓樸合成Compatibility Characteristics and Topological Synthesis of Variable Topology Mechanismsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/255876/1/ntu-100-R98522641-1.pdf