工學院: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所指導教授: 丁肇隆; 張瑞益吳宣儀Wu, Syuan-YiSyuan-YiWu2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271367近年來隨著網路社群的日益發達,許多人開始在社群網站中用照片,來分享自己的生活瑣事,照片中會包含日常生活的人事物,因此我們希望能從中分析這些資訊。為了得到這些照片中的資訊,過去是利用文字內容來做分析,近年來因影像辨識的進步,開始使用影像技術,挖取藏在影像中的資訊。本研究是基於邊緣偵測提出新的物件猜測(object proposal)的方法,並以飲料商品為例,將候選物件提出後,利用SIFT擷取物件特徵,再以SVM做飲料商品的分類。 本研究主要分為兩大部分:物件猜測和物件辨識。首先在網路上的蒐集各種含有商品的照片及利用不同手機所拍攝含有飲料商品的照片;接著透過邊緣偵測來找出物件的邊緣,且從邊緣中找出組成物件的封閉區域,再藉由以飲料商品所統計出的特徵,過濾候選的區域,以找出有可能為物件的區域,做為候選物件;最後,將此區域做SIFT的特徵描述並做SVM的分類預測。Nowadays as the social media progresses, more people are starting to use photosin their social media website to share the events in their daily lines. These photos often contain people and things occurring in their lives, which can be used as the data for our information analysis. In order to collect information from these photos, in the past the used information are words, but since recently the field of image detection has made an improvement, the usage of image analysis technology becomes more widely applied on this field to mine the information from the image. In this paper, the method is based on the edge detection to be as a new way of object proposal. We use the drinks products as medium to select the assumed candidates from the drink image of database, and using SIFT to derive the characteristics of the objects. After the characteristics are decided, we use SVM to categorize the drinks from their image mark. The essay is divided into two parts, the object proposal and the object detection. First, we collect a variety of pictures containing the commodity of the drinks from the internet and the pictures taken. Then, through the method of edge detection we get the edges of the objects. As the edges are found, we look for the closed regions in the picture, and use the filter made by the characteristics got from the statistic data to filter these areas to find the possible region locating the objects marked as candidates. Finally, we apply SIFT method on these region candidates to get the characteristic description and use SVM to make predicts of classification.8731754 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)邊緣偵測物件猜測物件辨識支持向量機edge detectionobject proposalobject detectionSVM基於邊緣偵測之物件猜測及辨識─以飲料商品為例Using Edge Detection to Object Proposal and Detection ─ A case study of drink commoditythesis10.6342/NTU201602339http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271367/1/ntu-105-R03525088-1.pdf