林怡廷(I-Ting Lin)洪詩涵(Shih-Han Hung)湯幸芬(Hsing-Fen Tang)張俊彥(Chun-Yen Chang)2024-11-252024-11-252020-12https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/723259大量的實證研究證實自然景觀能幫助我們從工作的疲勞中恢復精神並提升正向情緒。注意力恢復力理論提到具有柔性魅力(soft fascination)的自然景觀能激發創造力,又創造力對於情緒反應是敏感的,因此本研究以森林景觀及都市街景,探討具柔性魅力的森林景觀能否支持創造力?又經歷景觀類型產生的情緒體驗,是否能提升不同維度的創造力表現?本研究邀請100位設計背景的學生,隨機觀看3分鐘具魅力性的森林景觀或都市街景的影片後,填寫PANAS情緒量表及進行ATTA陶倫斯創造力測驗,評估經歷不同景觀體驗後其產生之情緒以及創造能力的表現。研究結果發現ATTA四種維度中,精密度在具魅力性的森林景觀顯著高於都市街景,並於事後檢定發現森林水景的環境優於都市街景;相較於都市街景,森林水景能預測設計時的精密度,而正負向情緒因子對該模型不具顯著之影響力。本研究發現具柔性魅力的森林景觀,能提高設計時敘述事件或作品的精細程度,然而加入情緒因子不會影響精密度的表現程度。A large number of empirical studies have confirmed that natural landscapes recover our fatigue from work and enhance our positive emotions. The Attention Restoration Theory (ART) mentions that the soft fascination of the environment stimulates our creativity. The study focuses on forest landscape and urban streetscape to evaluate which environments support creativity. Besides, through experiencing the different landscapes, how do those environments reflect on the performance of creativity? In addition, creativity is sensitive to emotional responses, therefore, the study explores whether emotion affects creative performance. This study invited 100 students with design background randomly assigned to view a 3-min video with fascination forest landscapes or urban streetscape, and then fill out the PANAS mood scale and ATTA Torrance Test of Creativity Thinking, which led the study to evaluate the emotions and creativity performance generated by the experience of the landscape. The results found that the elaboration of the four dimensions of ATTA was significantly higher in the fascination forest landscape than in urban streetscape; through post hoc, the forest waterscape was better than urban streetscape. Compare to urban streetscape, forest waterscape predicts the elaboration. However, there was no significant effect on adding emotion in this model. The performance of different stages in creativity may be affected by landscape types. The findings suggest that fascination with forest landscape improves elaboration ability, which shows more details of the description, but when adding the emotion variable in the model, it would not be able to predict the elaboration.自然景觀正負向情緒量表陶倫斯創造力測驗Natural EnvironmentPANASATTA森林景觀環境對創造力及情緒研究A Study on Creativity and Emotion of Fascination Forest Landscapejournal article10.3966/101632122020120114006