工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 謝尚賢劉以晨Liu, I-ChenI-ChenLiu2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278141智慧建築已在臺灣發展數年,建研所為推廣業界營運智慧建築,於2003年起開放申請智慧建築標章,而近幾年BIM技術的興起,讓營建產業的經營模式起了變化,開始注重資訊集中管理以及標準化的資料交付。在2007年美國陸軍工兵單位提出了開放標準的通用格式COBie,能夠以設施管理資訊的需求為目標收集建築生命週期中的非幾何資訊,利用通用格式進行資料交換可以減少資料交換錯誤或遺失的可能性,且依照規定格式填寫COBie的欄位資料依序在建築生命週期資訊中傳遞資訊,最後便能收集完整的興運期資訊交付給業主單位。 本研究將以國立臺灣大學工程資訊模擬與管理研究中心的BIM系列教材案例以及國立臺灣大學校內首座智慧建築案例,模擬以COBie進行資料交付的智慧建築生命週期流程,分析COBie應用於智慧建築營建專案之效益,並提供BPMN流程圖解說COBie於智慧建築生命週期中所產生的資訊與提供資訊者的對應,以利業界應用並導入COBie,進而提高營建專案資訊交付與管理之效益。This research investigates how COBie can be used in Taiwan’s intelligent buildings. COBie is a format for exchange of building life cycle information and is used to deliver the facility information to owners for the purpose of maintenance and operation. Also since 2003, Taiwan’s AEC industry started to adopt intelligent buildings certification which is established by the Architecture and Building Research Institute in Taiwan. The intelligent buildings certification evaluates the design of the intelligent buildings’ project using eight indices, including facility management index which requires a building to have a management system for controlling and monitoring all the equipment and systems in the building. Because the intelligent buildings have to integrate much information for building maintenance and operation, using COBie can provide an effective way to help the designer, contractor and owner to collect the information. In this study, by using the first intelligent building’s BIM model and information in National Taiwan University as an example, the research objective to develop a workflow for applying COBie in intelligent buildings and analyze the benefit of using COBie. The result shows that using COBie could significantly facilitate information exchange. In addition, this study provides BPMN procedures for application of COBie to intelligent building’s life cycle information collection.10337298 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)BIMCOBie智慧建築設施管理Building Information Modeling (BIM)Intelligent BuildingFacility Management (FM)以COBie協助智慧建築的設施管理資訊交付之效益The Benefit of COBie for Facility Management in Intelligent Building’s Information Deliverythesis10.6342/NTU201602009http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278141/1/ntu-105-R03521619-1.pdf