2010-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/679922摘要:區域調查計畫,提供了亞洲民主動態調查總部的運作及作為全球民主動態調查區域夥伴的角色,主要任務在於設計第三波區域調查的核心問卷、協調前測和跨國調查時程以及亞洲調查團隊與其他區域調查團隊的研究活動。 未來主要的研究任務有四:(一)定期在亞洲各國針對公民的對於民主、治理與發展的評估與態度,進行同步的社會調查研究,並定期發表研究報告與舉辦國際學術活動;(二)為亞洲開發中國家培養社會調查研究、民主化研究以及相關領域人才,並逐漸凝聚亞洲地區的民主研究學術社群;(三)提供亞洲民主動態調查數位資料庫供學術界、政府機關、國際組織、民主支援機構、市民社會團體、新聞媒體等各界使用,全面發揮知識推廣功能(四)協同「全球民主動態調查」計畫,收集與建構全球範圍的民主發展與治理品質指標,並定期與「國際民主與選舉支援機構」以及「聯合國開發總署」等政府間國際組織合作發表權威性的調查研究報告。本計畫對亞洲的民主轉型、鞏固與運作的經驗進行系統性研究,對比較政治理論的四個典範:「現代化/後現代化理論」、「新制度論」、「政治文化理論」,以及「理性選擇理論」均深具挑戰性。亞洲的民主經驗可對上述研究典範提供重要的理論檢證機會,也提供了亞洲學者與歐美學者在理論對話上的重要契機。<br> Abstract: The Asian Barometer Regional Survey Sub-Project provides the headquarters operation for the Asian Barometer Survey. The Sub-Project also performs as the region’s partner of the Globalbarometer Survey. By probing the origins of mass attitudes and orientations toward democracy in the Asian context, we essentially ask a two-fold question: First, within a longer time frame, we ask how variation in the trajectory of regime transition, macro-level properties of political systems, and the lingering influence of traditional culture mediates the impact of modernization and globalization on value change, influences the acquisition of democratic value-orientations and democratic legitimacy, and otherwise shapes the ways citizens evaluate their political system and process. Second, in the more immediate term, we ask to what extent positive orientations toward democratic (as well as non-democratic) regimes should be understood as a consequence of the capacity of political institutions to supply human security, economic well-being and political goods. In this view, people demand democracy and evaluate its supply based pragmatically on the actual performance of democratic institutions and leaders. This multi-faceted approach enables us to cross-examine four paradigmatic social-scientific explanations for the sources of value change in general, and the acquisition of democratic values and civic orientations in particular: namely, Modernization/ Postmodernization, rational-choice, culturalist and neo-institutionalist. It will carry out the following major research activities: designing a newer version of the core questionnaire for the third-wave regional survey; collaborating with three other regional barometers in designing the next version of the Global Module; formulating standardized measurement instruments and coding schemes for both the regional core questionnaire and the Global Module; coordinating the pre-testing and main survey schedules across the region, and coordinating collaborative research activities among Asian country teams and with other regional barometer surveys.東亞南亞民主化調查台灣治理民主品質價值變遷市民政治East AsiaSouth AsiaDemocratizationSurveyGovernanceQuality of DemocracyValue ChangeCitizen Politics東亞民主研究計畫-子計畫一-亞洲民主動態調查區域調查計畫