2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714885<h4>INTRODUCTION</h4><p>The Department of Emergency Medicine was established in August, 1994. It was the first emergency department among the medical colleges in Taiwan. The purpose of establishing the Department was to promote quality of care, research and teaching in the fields of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine. After two decades, the Department grew to more than 20 faculty members. The research area expanded beyond general Emergency Medicine, including Resuscitation Medicine, Traumatology, Clinical Toxicology, Emergency Medical Services, Ultrasonography, and Disaster Medicine. Many faculty members have Public Health background and are involved in the government health administration to serve as consultants or officers in health care system regarding the fields of Emergency Medicine. The vision of the Department is to lead the teaching and research of Emergency Medicine in Taiwan and provide first rate service to the patients with acute and critical illness.</p><h4>PLANS</h4><ol><li><p>Cultivate future leaders and foster advanced research in the Emergency Medicine Since the establishment of the Department of Emergency Medicine, one of the most important missions of its Chairman is to recruit and cultivate talents. All levels of teaching instructors and full-time physicians have increased year by year. Not only the expansion of faculty is realized, the development of different specialties of Emergency Medicine is fully balanced. All of the specialties including Resuscitation Medicine, Pediatric Emergency, Traumatology, Clinical Toxicology, Emergency Medical Services, Ultrasonography, and Disaster Medicine have their leaders in the Department. Many experts are not only leaders in their respective fields in Taiwan, but they are also international known scholars. Our faculty guides the young physicians in the field of research, and cultivates the future leaders of Emergency Medicine in Taiwan.</p></li><li><p>Provide state-of-the-art care to those with acute illness Emergency Department of National Taiwan University Hospital has changed the traditional management of many acute and critical diseases. To improve the outcome of the critical patients, our emergency physicians collaborate with prehospital Emergency Medical Services and other medical specialties. By cooperating multi-discipline taskforce and using process reengineering and information technology assistance, our Department has successfully improved the outcome of patients with acute myocardial infarction and stroke. We continue our efforts in the quality improvement process to provide state-of-the-art care to those with acute illnesses.</p></li><li><p>Reform the health care system in Taiwan The Department faculty pays close attention to the development of medical and public health systems. Many instructors have master or doctorate degree in Public Health, and possess important position in health administration, serving as advisers, committee members, or official administrators. Many complications in Emergency Medicine are caused by the imbalanced health care system. The reform of health care system is vital for the continuity of the National Health Insurance System. Our instructors are committed to reform the health care system in order to promote the well-being of the people of Taiwan. </p></li></ol><h4>FACILITIES</h4><p>Department of Emergency Medicine is located on the first floor and basement of North building of National Taiwan University Hospital. It has 14 rooms, including chairman's office, attending office, administrative staff office, and library, etc. The teaching and research facility includes digital camera, scanner, slide projector, computer, laser printer, teaching video and other audio visual equipment We purchase about 10 emergency related references each year which are kept at medical library, College of Medicine. A small library at the Department of Emergency medicinie also has 100 emergency related references or textbooks and 40 other references.</p><h4>COURSES</h4><h5>Undergraduate programs</h5><p>Emergency Medicine Clinical practice (M7), Emergency Medicine and Practice (M6), Out patient &amp; Emergency Medicine (M5), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (M6), Emergency Medicine A (M6), Emergency Medicine B (D5), Basic Life Support.</p><h4>ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES</h4><ol><li>Neurology combined conference</li><li>Trauma combined conference</li><li>Emergency and Internal Medicine combined conference</li><li>Journal reading</li><li>Emergency Medicine core lecture</li><li>Patient safety conference</li><li>Mortality conference</li><li>Pediatric emergency conference</li><li>Toxicological case conference</li><li>Resuscitation team work conference</li></ol><section class="about-author"><div class="about-description-no-img"><h4> CONTACT INFORMATION </h4><span><i class="halflings user"></i>Section Chairman: Chien-Hua Huang</span><span><i class="halflings envelope"></i><a href="mailto:chhuang730@ntu.edu.tw">chhuang730@ntu.edu.tw</a></span><span><i class="halflings phone"></i>+886-2-2312-3456#65628</span><span><i class="halflings globe"></i><a href="http://www.ntuh.gov.tw/emergency/" target="_blank">http://www.ntuh.gov.tw/emergency/</a></span><div class="clearfix"></div></div></section>本部人員編制有專任主治醫師47名(含借調及全時支援分院人員),兼任主治醫師19名,其中專任主治醫師中,教授級主治醫師4位、副教授級主治醫師6位、助理教授級6位、講師級9位。住院醫師17位(含代訓醫師2位)。護理師125名,每日服務298位來診、100床左右之暫留病人。 本部任務職責為: (一)提供全天候、全年無休之緊急醫療照護服務。 (二)以救人為先原則,進行輕重症分流處置。 (三)發燒篩檢,以降低高傳染性疾病擴散風險。 (四)配合國內緊急醫療網進行急救醫療任務。 (五)醫急處理突發事故之大量傷患及一般急診病人。 (六)提供急診醫療教學之臨床實習及急救訓練場地。 (七)研究發展急診醫學。 重大成就: 民國86年起針對急速增加之急症病人,開始1A1急診加護病房設定,以容納到院前心肺停止之病患急救,及急重症之病患,並開始改造急診暫留區以更高品質之服務提供給病人。民國87年1月開始擴展「到院前緊急醫療救護」之雙軌計劃,將急診之醫學領域擴大至院外的緊急醫療網,開啟另一個新紀元。使台大到院前(OHCA)病人存活率由原來1.0%(民國86年)提高至目前13.3%(民國88年),並於民國88年將雙軌制推行到整個台北市。民國88年921大地震,急診醫學部更發揮了災難醫學的本色,急診同仁和醫院上下全力以赴投入災區救難,充分發揮大愛的精神。目前正積極參與國家災難醫療制度之規劃,並積極規劃急診空間之再造。本部雖歷經SARS之衝擊,然全體同仁在院長及主任帶領之下,仍不屈不橈、英勇地於92年5月26日再出發,盡心守護國內急重症病患的生命。 未來展望: 一、短期規劃(一~二年) (一) 服務方面改善就醫環境 1.提昇急診醫療服務品質 (1)每位病人均有相當舒適之看診環境及隱私權。 (2)每位病人均有主治醫師及負責之住院醫師、護理同仁照顧。 (3)每位求診病人均可得到友善之行政支持。 2.到院前緊急醫療照護,朝向以精英消防隊訓練,本院積極參與 消防局之醫療指導員制度建立,線上救護以促使雙軌救護更趨完全。 3.毒藥物學之加強及擴展。 4.重症轉診專責醫療隊設立。 5.災難醫療救護隊基地醫院設立。 6.完成暫留護理全人照護。 7.實施走動式櫃台掛號及結帳服務。 8.充實出院衛教。 (二)教學方面 1.編輯完成「住院醫師急診手冊」,以推行「problem-oriented standard operation procedure」。 2.住院醫師急診超音波課程,使住院醫師都能在急診使用此一利器。 3.推行急診住院醫師碩士班研究員制度。 4.協助設計規劃EMT-P之教學課程,並全力訓練台北地區緊急醫療網EMT-P人員。 (三)研究方面 1.整合緊急醫療網到院前之研究。 2.設立Core-lab,利用本部技術人才及國防役人才共同建立Cytokine及 Neutrophil function 之中心實驗室提供本部及全院同仁共同利用。 3.發表SARS論文及推展相關感染研究。 4.強力推展CPR及Sepsis研究。 5.建立本部Critical alerting system (CAS)機制於院內急救的早期預警機制及相關研究與Early goal directed therapy於Sepsis的治療與研究。 6.建立 Intra- and Post-resuscitation hypothermia的治療與研究。 二、中程計劃(三~五年) 1.完成國家災難醫學研究中心之設立。 2.協助完成中風診治中心之設立。 3.服務量達每日500人以上,暫留病人數30人。 4.研究計劃每年20件,研究論文每年20篇。 5.協助分院完成急診專家之儲備訓練。 三、長程計劃(五~十年) 1.急診醫學資訊化使社區醫療及到院前緊急醫療密切結合。 2.國家級災難救援隊之出國援助計劃。 3.門診急診中心成立,擴大服務範圍。 4.成立國內CPR研究中心。Emergency Medicine-NTUH