周宏農臺灣大學:漁業科學研究所陳珮瑜Chen, Pei-YuPei-YuChen2007-11-282018-07-062007-11-282018-07-062007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/59351石花菜是臺灣北部地區的一項經濟藻類,沿海漁民多岸邊或潛水採擷、日曬,零星或集中販售以為洋菜膠之原料,或自行或轉賣製作石花凍冰品於各遊憩據點銷售,而成為沿海漁民生計的一部分。研究中調查了2004年五月生長高峰期之現生資源量,估計全區約有231.8噸乾藻的產量,與同年漁業年報統計之產量80噸相差了約三倍,而2003年漁業年報為165噸的產量視之,可能因前一年採擷過量,使得隔年的藻類豐富度降低,而影響隔年的產量。為了解當地石花菜的相關種類與其生活史階段在不同季節 堛漱嬪G與成長率,續對其形態、孢子囊種類與孢子釋放、萌發、成長及附苗的實驗,開發石花菜人工養殖之模式。 在採樣觀察中僅發現到其中的一個可能為新種的Gelidium sp.存在果孢子囊,可能各個不同當地石花菜種類的含果孢子囊個體與配子體均有類似的形態。果孢子的發育型態變化與四分孢子相似,在不添加營養鹽勤換海水情況下,低溫短日照確能提高生長率。而室外的人工繩索夾枝養殖使用三種不同材質(棉、尼龍、麻)之繩索,以垂直式懸吊養殖有較佳之較果,尼龍繩尤佳。但是最後卻因生長季節已過而凋亡怠盡。Gelidium is one of the economically important algae distributed along the northern and northeastern coast of Taiwan. Fishermen collect the plants from the sublittoral zone by diving. The algae are sun-dried and packed for sale as raw material for agar industry or boiled to make the gelling desert by the local residents. Gelidium resource becomes part of the fishermen’s income. After a yearly investigation of the natural abundance in 2004, an annual harvest was estimated to be 231.8 metric tons, close to the reported 165 tons of trade in 2003. However, it was far different from the reported 80 metric tons yield of 2004. It revealed the fact that an over harvesting of standing crop could be happened in 2003, leading to the lower harvesting in 2004. To better understanding of the resources, the local species of Gelidium at Waimusan, Keelung were studied of their life stages and growths in different months of 2005. The morphology of sporangia, spore releasing, spore germination and seedling growth were also studied. It has been observed that only one type of morphologically distinct plants contained carposporangia during spring. The new species was regarded as gametophyte of the various local species, G. amansii, G. japonicum and G. pacificum. The germination and growth of carpospore and tetraspore of different species were similar. Indoor growth of seedlings was found better in plane seawater, low temperatures and short light period . Outdoor growths of sporophytes, which were tied on the hanging string of cotton, nylon and hemp material, were tested in a closed tank and open pond. It was found that a vertically-hanging of the algal strip of nylon had a better growth than horizontally-hanging and other string material. However, the growth stopped very soon and plants decayed due to the end of the growth season.摘要……………………………...………………………………………..i Abstract …………………………………………...……….…………….ii 第一章 緒論…………….……………………………...…………....…..1 第一節 臺灣北部、東北角海岸石花菜之資源評估……..………….….2 第二節 臺灣產石花菜之生活史評估……..……………………..….….3 第三節 石花菜之養殖(藻苗培育、野外養殖)…………..………….….6 第二章 文獻回顧…….……………………………...…………....…..8 第三章 材料方法……………………………...……………………....10 第四章 結果………………………..……………………….………...18 (一) 石花菜的分佈………………………………………….….……...18 (二) 石花菜分佈與資源量的調查….………………………………....18 (三) 石花菜市場調查………….…..………….…………………...…..20 (四) 漁業年報中石花菜產量變化.…………………...……………….23 (五) 不同季節Gelidium spp. 不同世代藻體型態分析……………….24 (六) 孢子培養觀察….…………………………………………..……..25 (七) 幼苗成長…………………..……………..……………………….27 (八) 室外人工繩索夾枝養殖….………………………………..……..28 (九) 石花菜現地(in situ)成長率….……………………………..……..29 第五章 討論………………………………………………………..…..30 第六章 參考文獻……..………………………………………………..39 表目錄 Table 1. 12個採集點的地形描述、地質等環境特徵…………………..45 Table 2. 臺灣北海、東北角海域石花菜組成分布……………...……..49 Table 3. 臺灣東北角海域石花菜組成分布.…………………………..50 Table 4. 石花菜分佈海域面積及資源量……………………………...50 Table 5. 2004年石花菜市場調查表…………….……………………..51 Table 6. 外木山不同石花菜四分孢子體和果孢子體季節的分佈情形。…………………………………….………………………………..52 Table 7. 石花菜四分孢子與果孢子的大小…………….……………..52 Table 8. 石花菜室內養殖的幼體成長(2月)……………………....…..53 Table 9. 石花菜室內養殖的幼體成長(4、5月)…………….…..……..53 Table 10.石花菜現地in situ成長率…………………………….……..54 Table 11. 種苗繁殖場九孔池繩索水平式養殖( 2月)………….……..54 Table 12. 種苗繁殖場九孔池繩索垂直式養殖( 3月)……………..….54 Table 13. 頭城養殖場九孔池繩索水平式養殖( 5月)……………..….55 Table 14. 種苗繁殖場九孔池繩索垂直式養殖( 6-7月)…………..….55 圖目錄 Fig 1. 石花菜分佈情形……………………………….………………..56 Fig 2. 不同採集地點與離岸水平距(不同色柱)之樣區內礁岩上之石花菜覆蓋率……………………………………………………………..56 Fig 3. 石花菜現地(in situ)生長率…………………………..…..……..57 Fig 4. 歷年來漁業年報對石花菜統計資料……………….…………..57 Fig 5. 歷年來漁業年報對各縣市石花菜產量統計資料…….………..58 Fig 6. 歷年來漁業年報對各縣市石花菜產值統計資料…….………..58 Fig 7. 石花菜四分孢子囊與四分孢子萌發成長………….…………..59 Fig 8. 石花菜果孢子囊與果孢子萌發成長…………………….……..60 Fig 9. 日本石花菜不同世代藻體型態觀察…………………….……..61 附件目錄 附件一、Composition of modified SWM-Ⅲ medium…….…………..62 附件二、石花菜市場問卷調查表……………………………….……..63 附件三、實驗中觀察其四分孢子囊釋放後之特徵…………….……..64 附件四、室外種苗繁殖場陸上九孔池水平養殖……………….……..64 附件五、室外種苗繁殖場潮下九孔池垂直式養殖…………………..64en-US石花菜、養殖、人工夾苗、生活史Geldiiumartifical substrateCultureLife history臺灣北部、東北部海岸石花菜之資源評估、生活史與培育研究Resources Assessment, Life Cycle and Culture Experiments of Gelidium spp. Found at The North and Northeastern of Taiwan.other