臺灣大學: 音樂學研究所楊建章阮文淑2013-04-152018-05-292013-04-152018-05-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/257481本論文以陳達在七零年代台北的表演活動為主要場域,並使用社會批判概念—「奇觀」(spectacle),從資本主義觀點,討論陳達與「思想起」在現代社會被型塑為傳統的過程。 現代社會在奇觀的滲透下,人與外在世界的聯繫,很大程度必須透過大眾媒介的宣傳與建構,如此建構也導致人與自身經驗的疏離;然而,民謠作為口頭傳統,強調的正是其中個人與集體的經驗、情感交流。在經驗結構改變的情況下,當陳達與其表演來到台北這個現代化都市,表演本身有更大程度質變為平面化的觀看行為,除此之外,恆春民謠長篇敷唱的表演形式、與演唱所使用的方言,也成為都市人接受此般傳統演唱的障礙,難以再讓人從中體會傳統經驗的傳承,而陳達與「思想起」也因而成為奇觀化的傳統。 然而,奇觀並不足以解釋這裡的傳統型塑過程,又因七零年代台北的特定社會文化背景,陳達與「思想起」的奇觀化歷程,亦符應了當時文化場域的「鄉愁」主題,交織著特定的認同追求與時代情感。而在時間進程中,「鄉土」、「傳統」等在大眾媒體報導下似乎始終如一的字眼,其內涵也隨之轉移,承載的是不同的時代內容。再透過對當時與會者的訪談、以及對這些事件的追溯,更發現唯有在真實參與的「重述」過程中,傳統的意義才得以持續生發,而這段追溯陳達與「思想起」奇觀化的歷程,也同時解構了奇觀。This thesis focuses on performances of Hengchun folksong singer Chen-Da in 70’s Taipei, to discuss the tradition forming process in modern society of Chen-Da and the tune “Su Sing Ki” with the social critical idea “spectacle”. While infiltrating by spectacle, the relationship between people and external sphere in modern society would be based on the promotion and construction of mass media, causing the alienation of people from their self-experience. Accompanying to the transition of self-experience, the performance of Chen-Da would transform into a monotonous seeing practice much more while it was set in the modern city Taipei. Consequently, the heritage of conventional experience would be hard to approach, simultaneously Chen-Da and “Su-Siang-Ki” became the spectacular tradition. However, to explain the forming process of tradition here, spectacle is not enough. Because of the particular social and cultural background in 70’s Taipei, the spectacle forming process of Chen-Da and “Su Sing Ki”, is also corresponded with the “nostaligia” theme, and be interweave into the particular ambition of identity and time emotion. Through interviewing the participants, and tracking back these events, we find that only to participate truly in the “retelling” progress, the meaning of tradition could be occurred continually. Thus, this spectacle forming progress tracking of Chen-Da and “Su Sing Ki”, is the de-constructional progress of spectacle at the same time.1277746 bytesapplication/pdfen-US陳達「思想起」傳統奇觀表演重述歷程Chen-Da“Su Siang Ki”traditionspectacleperformanceretellingprogress重述一則傳奇-論陳達與「思想起」在七零年代台北的奇觀化歷程Retelling A Legend:On the Spectacle Forming Process of Chen-Da and “Su Siang Ki” in 70’s Taipeithesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/257481/1/ntu-101-R95144005-1.pdf