臺灣大學: 國際企業管理組謝明慧黃怡苹Huang, Yi-PingYi-PingHuang2013-04-082018-06-292013-04-082018-06-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256452本研究從拼貼資源觀點探討新興品牌網路社群經營過程。先天資源缺乏的新興企業在拼貼資源(Bricolage)策略觀點下,檢視手邊資源並投入資源組合以達到組織目標。作者以K品牌為例探討資源組合形成過程以及社群媒體在拼貼資源過程中所扮演的角色。資源組合機制可以基本元素合成、催化劑誘發、合成物生成/發現新元素等三個構面分析之,K品牌在集結統籌資源後進行目的性行動的規劃、執行,加上內外機緣的催化劑誘發,可生成許多小而片面的成果,經累積後相互作用成形成大型的化合物,亦即網路品牌社群。在社群成形的過程中即可逐漸達成品牌社群之目標價值,包含社會網路、印象管理、社群投入、品牌使用等,以及品牌知名度、品牌績效、聯想和忠誠度等品牌權益指標。The study aims to discuss how a new brand builds up brand online community from the perspective of Bricolage. Due to lack of resources, new ventures need to review their resources at hand and recombine them to achieve organizational goals. The study illustrate the Bricolage process by the example of Brand K, and found out the recombination mechanism and the role of social media in this process which can be described as “Synthesis of the basic elements”, Inducement of Catalysts" and “Production of compound/ Discovery of new elements”. After reviewing the resources at hand, Brand K aimed to making do through the repeated synthesis, inducement and production. When the company accumulates more and more compounds and elements, it can therefore achieve brand equity by the practices of online brand community.913289 bytesapplication/pdfen-US品牌社群網路社群拼貼資源Brand communityOnline communityBricolage以拼貼資源觀點探討新興品牌網路社群經營─以K品牌為例Building New Brand Online Community from the Perspective of Bricolage: An Example of Brand Kthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256452/1/ntu-100-R98724015-1.pdf