譚義績2006-07-252018-06-292006-07-252018-06-2920022002-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/10723In order to solve the transport of water in the unsaturated soil, the hydraulic property must be available, that property is dependent on the moistures and nature of soils. In unsaturated soils, hysteresis is an important phenomenon affecting water flow, and the effect should be taking into account during wetting and drying processes. Taiwan is surrounded with seawater , and it¡¦s very serious that seawater infiltrates into soil. The salinization of soil not only affects the usage of area along the coast, but also influences the restoration of soil and development of agriculture. Because after the salinity and water infiltrates into soil, the progress of infiltrating. evaporating, and movement become very complex. In addition, hysteresis also has a great influence. Therefore, it becomes more important for unsaturated flow and the research of salinity transport. Hysteresis has important effects in the field and cannot be neglected. Most studies are ignored about hysteresis because of complication. The prediction of soil water balance can be improved by taking hysteresis into account under diurnally varying environmental condition that involved alternative wetting and drying.在未飽和土瓖水分的傳輸現象中,水分移動的水力特性是相當重 要的,此特性取決於土壤含水量及土瓖類型等因素,未飽和土瓖水分 會因乾燥、濕潤交替的歷程而發生遲滯現象,要能準確的計算則必須 在乾燥、濕潤歷程交替變化的環境中考慮遲滯現象的發生及其變動。 台灣地區四週環海,海水倒灌之情形相當嚴重,此現象困擾著沿海地 區之土地利用、土壤復育及農業發展,因為海水中的鹽份在隨水份進 入土壤復,其入滲、蒸發及運移之過程十分複雜,且受遲滯現象之影 響甚巨,也因此更顯未飽和層中水流及鹽份傳輸研究之重要性。 本研究計畫今年度之目標為探討海水倒灌後土瓖中水份及鹽份 的遲滯現象,以砂箱試驗之方式分析其特性,採用各種濃度之鹽水 進行多組之遲滯現象研究,藉以觀察鹽分濃度對遲滯行為之影響。研 究之結果可應用於海水倒灌後土瓖性質之深入研究,及提供土壤復育 與整治之參考。application/pdf2356907 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學生物環境系統工程學系暨研究所HysteresisSoil-water retention curveSalt-effected soil遲滯現象保水曲線鹽化土瓖行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計劃成果報告:土壤未飽和層水份與鹽份遲滯作用之研究﹝II﹞reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/10723/1/902313B002324.pdf