臺灣大學: 商學研究所陳鴻基紀則安Chi, Tze-AnTze-AnChi2013-03-252018-06-292013-03-252018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251956近年來全球對於企業社會責任的重視程度日益提升,在受到來自外部與內部的壓力下,有越來越多的企業開始企圖導入與落實企業社會責任,但對於企業社會責任,大部分的企業只知其重要性,而不知其落實之方法,再加上實際落實企業社會責任的過程中,企業必須面對到許多艱難的挑戰,導致推動的進度緩慢,難以得到預期之效果。因此本研究希望參考過去之文獻,並透過個案研究之方式,選擇目前已經有推動企業社會責任多年經驗,且成果備受肯定的兩間企業:光寶科技與信義房屋,分析和探討其落實企業社會責任之模式,採取之具體作法以及經驗和建議,並配合過去文獻所提出落實企業社會責任之觀點和建議,彙整成為有用之資訊,對於未來企業在落實企業社會責任上能有所助益。 透過次級資料收集,以及與內部高階主管和企業社會責任推動人員進行訪談,本研究詳細整理出光寶科技和信義房屋落實企業社會責任之內容與模式,推論出企業落實企業社會責任之模式,可分為體認、規劃、執行、評估/改善、內化等五個階段,並提出以下之具體做法與建議。在推動企業社會責任的過程中,企業內部應由高階主管領導成立企業社會責任推動委員會,以確保企業社會責任之落實內容能與各部門工作結合,並透過高階主管由上而下地將理念傳達至整個組織,讓所有同仁對於落實企業社會責任的理念與目標一致,而在推動之方向上,應該評估重要利害關係人所關注之議題對於組織的衝擊性,並從企業的核心營運活動著手,將企業社會責任與核心能力結合,為企業創造更大的價值,而對於各地區的營運據點以及供應鏈,透過資訊系統的建置,將落實企業社會責任之步驟與流程標準化,有助於提升管理效率,加強企業社會責任的落實與內化。The corporate social responsibility has become one of major issues for enterprise seeking sub stability and comparative advantage. With more public awareness and appealing, many enterprises have begun to plan and deploy CSR programs. However only limited studies have been done and a systematic deployment model has yet been explored. Besides, many of direct/indirect or internal/external stakeholders engaged in the process of CSR deployment make this a challenge issue. First, this study attempts to conduct a meta-analysis on existing CSR implementation models and then select LiteOn Technology and Sinyi Realty for in-depth case study to discuss the implementation details in the deployment process. LiteOn Technology and Sinyi Realty are two highly cited companies in pursuing CSR values and have been awarded for their benchmarking performance in respective industry. The results of the case studies reveal that a stage-wide process with detailed planning is crucial for its success. A five stage identified include: awareness building, plan, do, check/improve, and anchor. A thorough plan to identify major stakeholders in each stage is important. As so, a committee is formed and lead by top manager. Such committee will formulate a meaning CSR vision and communicate with players/stakeholders to ensure the congruous goal. In shaping the CSR mission statement, it is strongly suggested to align well with corporation’s core competence and consider the impact of key stakeholders’ perspective. A CSR-based IT system provides an effective mechanism for better monitoring, communication, and data analysis. The results of such system indeed expedite the CSR implementation.1382798 bytesapplication/pdfen-US企業社會責任企業社會責任落實模式利害關係人個案研究Corporate Social ResponsibilityCSR Implementation modelStakeholderCase study[SDGs]SDG12企業社會責任之落實模式-光寶科技和信義房屋之個案研究Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation Model - Case Studies of LiteOn Technology and Sinyi Realtythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251956/1/ntu-101-R99741050-1.pdf