2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714801Education Goals At the time of its inception, the Institute embraced two important goals and resolutions: 1. Cultivate students with a strong background in the biochemical sciences and a perspective to open new ground in the biological sciences. 2. Train the new-generation scientists to be leaders in the biochemical sciences and technology in order to promote the emerging biotechnology in Taiwan. Strengths The IBS has maintained close collaboration with the IBC, Academia Sinica, since 1972 and has accomplished significant achievement in Protein Chemistry. As its longterm objective, the Institute devotes itself to the study of biologically active proteins. It selected the biochemical characterization of snake venom proteins as the initial short-range objective, and gradually expanded and diversified to various fields in the life sciences, which include molecular and cell biology, chemical biology, glycoscience and structural biology. Over the years, the Institute has steadily expanded to include graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The Institute recruits 25 M.S. and 16 Ph.D. (including 3 for on-job program) students of diverse background from various colleges and universities in the country each year. Currently, the graduate programs rank highly among the peer graduate programs around the island. Research fields The development of the Institute has emphasized five major research areas: (1) Molecular and cell biology (2) Genomics and proteomics (3) Chemical Biology (4) Glycoscience (5) Structural biology and molecular biophysics. In the coming years, the Institute will be leading the efforts to integrate these research areas into two main themes: (1) Regulation of Protein Post-translational Modifications/Cell Signaling Networks. (2) Protein Structures and Functions/Drug Designs.Protein. Research focus and projects 1.Molecular Biology of cell surface glyco-structure expression 2.Molecular mechanism and signaling pathway involved in cell membrane repair 3.Molecular mechanism and signaling pathway in cell responses to stress. 4.Post-translational modifications in their functions in cells. 5.Investigate neuronal generation and wiring using zebrafish habenulo-interpeduncular circuit as a vertebrate model. 6.Studies of Expression Mechanisms and Functions of Human T Cell Receptors 7.DNA damage responses in Cancer Biology 8.Mouse male reproduction. Many of our research reports are published in prestigious international periodicals, or presented at international meetings. The Institute has regularly invited speakers of related biochemical sciences for lectureships and symposia. The faculty and students also actively participate in the activities of Taiwan Biochemical and Molecular Biology Society, which include international meetings and domestic annual conferences of biochemistry and molecular biology民國47年 李卓皓教授帶來「生化新啟示」 我國旅美學人李卓皓教授(加州大學,荷爾蒙研究所所長)受聘為中華文化教育基金會特別講座,回國在臺大講學八週,介紹蛋白質研究為主的最新生物科學發展之概況。本講座對當時臺灣學術界是一大震撼,且帶給國內對生物科學新方向之啟示。更主要的轉機是,李教授認為國內應加速發展生物化學研究,並親自開始國內人才之培育。 民國60年 籌畫設立生化科學單位 時機成熟之時,開始籌畫設立一所符合國際水準之蛋白質研究為主的生化科學單位。當時直接參與規畫的,除了李卓皓教授外,有錢思亮(中央研究院院長)、吳大猷(科導會主任委員)、徐賢修(國科會主任委員)、蔣彥士(教育部部長)、閻振興(臺大校長)及羅銅壁(臺大教授)等人。 12月1-2日在台北召開籌備會議並決定,以成立的中央研究院生化所之籌備處正式命名為生物化學研究所籌備處,並決定在臺大校總區內籌備建館。臺大為配合這計畫,新設生化科學研究所,密切合作研究生化科學。 在此狀況下,本所奉准於民國61年8月成立,經雙方同意聘羅銅壁教授為兩所首任所長,暫借化學系三間研究室開始總區籌備。 民國62年 開始招收碩士班研究生 開始招收碩士班研究生外,在中研院或國科會幫助下,臺大校總區依合作合約興建生化大樓,第一期工程於民國64年完工開始啟用。 民國66年 生化大樓完工 第二期工程為民國66年2月生化大樓完工。期間兩所密切合作之具體內容陸續建立良好默契,如生化大樓共同使用(中研院負責興建及維護,臺大負擔水電費等),各種儀器設備的共用,研究經費之共同支用,人員合聘等等,充分發揮相輔相成之功能,促進了兩所迅速的發展。 民國65年 陸續召開國際研討會 因合聘克服了沒有大學部之研究所員額限為5員之困境,中研院方面方亦突破沒有研究生之困擾,使兩所很快在國內建立良好基礎。 為進一步爭取國際上之認同及交流,兩所合作在國科會資助下,於民國65年3月、民國67年3月及民國71年8月共三次,舉辦了蛋白質研究為主之國際研討會,發表研究成果並獲參會者之肯定,而漸漸建立國際地位。 民國73年 成立博士班 民國73年7月成立博士班,即年開始招生。Biochemical SciencesAcademic Institute