2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715189The MPH program was established in October in 2007. This program is different from other master degrees provided by regular departments or graduate institutes such as Master of Science (M.S.) which emphasizes development of masters for academic research. The characteristics of this MPH program are to integrate resources in CPH, combine theory and practice, and cultivate scientific evidences and strategic thinking of public health professionals. Three mutually related fields, including Community Health Scientific Field, Environmental and Occupational Health Field, and Health policy and Management Field were planned first when this program was started in 2007. Since 2010, the size of student body has expanded to 40, and the program increased to five disciplinary fields, including Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Health Services Administration, and Environmental Health Sciences. National Taiwan University Master of Public Health (NTU MPH) Degree Program is the first multi-departmental master program in Taiwan. Our MPH program is widely known in the country as the first professional credential for leadership in public health in Taiwan. It is designed for public health professionals who have the greatest passion in devoting to the progressions in public health of humankind. NTU MPH program integrates cross discipline resources within CPH in order to train people to lead in the field of public health. The core value of MPH is CITE, which stands for compassion, integrity, teamwork, and equality. These are the qualities that we firmly believe a public health professional should possess and with which one may develop into a responsible social being. We hope that all of our faculty and students will hold CITE as the core spirit while doing research and practicing works about public health. Our mission is to establish a highly professional, secure, fair, and effective medical system and environment that fit our public health needs. To pursue this mission, MPH program provides resourceful and rigorous education in order to cultivate frontline professionals in public practice who emphasize human rights, possess global perspective and aspire to assure the welfare of human beings.我國的衛生醫療體系自1995年全民健保推動及2003年SARS事件爆發以後,公共衛生宏觀面的人才需求增加,社會經濟之快速發展對環境與職業專業人才的要求量也加大。衛生單位、醫院及相關機構的在職人員需要對內部人力做實務性的進修課程,過去都藉著與美國Johns Hopkins及Tulane的公共衛生學院合作,送人才到美國進修取得MPH學位。鑑於國外的公共衛生學院的經驗,與本土需求仍有一些隔閡,為培養社會所需人才,我們決定針對已有實務經驗的衛生相關人力,提供本土之公共衛生碩士(MPH)學位學程之課程進修。 公衛碩士學位學程成立於2007年10月,是臺灣地區第一個創設的碩士學位學程。有別於現行碩士養成教育著重於研究,本學程整合公共衛生學院院內資源,結合理論與實務,在多元社會環境下培養國內公共衛生實務人才具備科學證據與策略性思考方法。 初期擬訂三個相關領域,分別為社區健康科學領域、環境職業衛生領域、及健康政策與管理領域。受限於教育部員額招收限制政策,新設碩士班第一年學生數最高以15名為限,故97學年度僅社區健康科學領域與健康政策與管理領域有員額招生。2010年開始,招生名額增加為40名,並擴增為五大領域。分別為流行病學與預防醫學領域、生物統計領域、環境健康科學領域、社會及行為科學領域,以及健康服務管理領域。 本學程之願景為建立一個健康國家所需的優秀人力資源。依據現實的社會環境、職業特色儲備一個安全、公平、有效、有品質的醫療衛生體系及環境。藉由本校公共衛生學院及醫學院過去、未來的卓越教學及研究,結合理論與實務,在多元社會環境下,培養學生的科學證據與策略性思考方法。並結合臨床實務及研究,使學生與教師都能教學相長,對國家的健康照護的總體費用、品質及公平有更深入的了解與研究。Master of Public Health ProgramAcademic Institute