管理學院: 臺大-復旦EMBA境外專班指導教授: 郭瑞祥林秦葦Lin, Chin-WeiChin-WeiLin2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277711本研究以質性研究方法中的內容分析法,根據某創業投資公司對於國內某有機連鎖通路的深入訪談內容進行內容分析法,從專業角度探討有機健康產品通路之通路策略以制定量身訂做的關鍵成功通路策略。 有鑒於擬定通路策略時深受內外部環境因素的影響,故以SWOT分析模式進行內外部的因素評估,並以此作為台灣有機健康產品通路之分析基礎,同時透過文獻相關資訊的蒐集與專家意見,研擬出完整架構圖,最後以Porter 三種一般化策略(成本化策略、差異化策略及專注化策略)理論,分析出未來有機健康產品通路可行之通路策略。This research was based on qualitative research of content analysis. According to one venture capital company''s depth interviews for one organic health food channel, we conducted content analysis method to propose the professional point of channel strategy and the key success factors of customized marketing communication strategy. Concerning internal and external factors when setting communical strategy, SWOT analysis was employed to detect these factors. Combining relative previous research and professional opinions to form complete structure, we proposed a theoretical framwork. Last, we used Porter Generic Strategy (cost strategy, difference strategy, and focusing strategy) theory to analyze possible communication strategy of future sales.論文使用權限: 不同意授權有機健康產品SWOT配銷通路策略Organic FoodDistributionStrategy有機健康產品連鎖通路之經營關鍵成功因素A Study of Key Success Factors on Organic Health Food Channel in Taiwanthesis