吳英璋臺灣大學:心理學研究所葉秀宇Yeh, Hsiu-YuHsiu-YuYeh2007-11-272018-06-282007-11-272018-06-282007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/55845本研究目的在於建構乳癌患者特有的壓力因應模式。研究者整合乳癌相關現象、壓力概念、因應概念等文獻,提出歷程性的壓力因應模式,此模式假設乳癌相關的壓力源包括「醫療過程或疾病進展相關的急性壓力」、「醫療或疾病造成的慢性壓力」、「主觀預期的醫病相關壓力事件」、「主觀預期的醫病相關壓力事件」、「其他壓力事件」,以及「負向情緒狀態」等,乳癌相關的因應則包括「問題聚焦取向的因應策略」、「情緒聚焦取向的因應策略」、「逃避取向的因應策略」,以及「尋求支持取向的因應策略策略」等;壓力因應模式亦假設乳癌相關的壓力與因應之間,具有時間向度上的歷程性變化關係。本研究的受訪者為被診斷為第二期乳癌的女性患者。研究者採取焦點式的半結構深度訪談方式,請受訪者自由地報告乳癌相關的壓力因應經驗。研究結果顯示,壓力因應模式可清楚描述受受訪者的主觀經驗,包括界定壓力源類別、區辨因應策略取向並描述其內涵,並釐清壓力源與因應的歷程性變化。對於個別受訪者的主觀經驗採取壓力因應歷程的分析,可深入探討特定壓力源與特定因應之間的交互作用,或歸納出受訪者特有的壓力因應傾向。此外,受訪者的主觀報告還顯示對於癌症復發等預期性壓力源所採取的預先因應。本研究屬於描述性質的探索性研究,適合應用於乳癌患者的個案分析。Reviewing research articles of bresat cancer, stress, and coping, this study purposed to construct a theoretical model specifying the stress-coping process of women with breast cancer. The model (SCMBC) proposed three assumptions: first, stressors encountered by women with breast cancer could be categorized into “acute stressors induced by medical procedures and those developed along with disease progression”, “chornic stressors induced by medical procedures and those developed along with disease progression”, “subjective anticipatory stressors that related to oncoming medical procedures and possible disease progression”, “other life stressors”, and “negative emotional status”. Second, women of breast cancer would cope these stressors with different strategies, including “problem-focused coping strategies”, ”emotional-focused strategies”, “avoidance strategies”, and “support seeking coping strategies”. Third, SCMBC could display relationships between stressors and coping actions arranged in a time sequence to reveal the characteristics of individual stress-coping style. Five women, diagnosed with stage-II breast cancer, were interviewed with semi-structured focusing interview method. They freely report their subjetive stress-coping experiences related to medical procedures and those developed along with disease progression. The results display clearly the interviewees’ subjective experiences, including stressor categories, coping strategies adopted, the persistent interactive process between stresss and coping, the individual’s specific stress-coping style, and the proactive coping in advance to prevent potentially stressful event before it occurs. It was found that SEMBC was suitable for case study of breast cancer women, especially for the understanding of how breast cancer women cope their stressors effectively.第一章 文獻回顧 ---------------------------------------------------- 1 第一節 乳癌的相關現象 1 第二節 壓力概念 11 第三節 因應概念 18 第四節 壓力因應模式 26 第五節 研究架構與研究目的 32 第二章 研究方法 ---------------------------------------------------- 39 第一節 訪談程序與方法 39 第二節 訪談資料分析步驟 42 第三章 研究結果與討論 ------------------------------------------- 51 第一節 受訪者#1之個別分析 51 第二節 受訪者#2之個別分析 68 第三節 受訪者#3之個別分析 83 第四節 受訪者#4之個別分析 104 第五節 受訪者#5之個別分析 116 第四章 綜合討論------------------------------------------- 131 第一節 受訪者可能面臨的乳癌相關壓力源 131 第二節 受訪者實際因應乳癌的經驗 133 第三節 乳癌相關的壓力因應歷程 135 第四節 乳癌患者在不同疾病進展階段下的壓力因應情形 137 第五章 研究貢獻、限制與未來研究方向------------------------------- 141 第一節 本研究的貢獻 141 第二節 本研究的限制 142 第三節 未來研究方向 143 參考文獻----------------------------------------------------------------- 145 附錄----------------------------------------------------------------------- 151 附錄一 「乳癌壓力因應歷程探」訪問及錄音同意書 151 附錄二 受訪者#1主觀經驗之文本資料 152 附錄三 受訪者#2主觀經驗之文本資料 171 附錄四 受訪者#3主觀經驗之文本資料 183 附錄五 受訪者#4主觀經驗之文本資料 216 附錄六 受訪者#5主觀經驗之文本資料 2321258624 bytesapplication/pdfen-US乳癌壓力因應壓力因應模式個案研究預先因應breast cancerstresscopingstress-coping modelcase studyproactive coping[SDGs]SDG3乳癌存活者的壓力因應歷程之探索性研究The Stress Coping Model in Women with Breast Cancer in Taiwan: An Exploratory Researchotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/55845/1/ntu-96-R92227025-1.pdf