2018-01-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/652965摘要:本計畫擬考慮大眾運輸路線設計以及時刻表訂定問題(transit network design and scheduling problem,TNDSP),內容包括:針對公車規劃營運問題進行瞭解與分析,建構TNDSP之最佳化模式,並發展求解演算法以提昇求解效率,以建立多元化的大眾運輸系統規劃設計與評估架構。本計畫之研究成果可輔助大眾運輸路線設計以及時刻表訂定的實務工作,提供更有效率之大眾運輸系統,因此兼具理論與實務之重要性。 <br> Abstract: This research project plans to solve the simultaneous planning problem of network design and timetabling for urban bus systems. An innovative mixed-integer programming (MIP) model will be formulated and a parallel branch-and-price-and-cut (BPC) algorithm will be proposed to solve the problem. The key idea of the model formulation and the solution algorithm is to represent a bus timetable with a route and a dispatch pattern. A computational study will be conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology.大眾運輸路線設計時刻表整數規劃演算法public transitnetwork designtimetableinteger programmingalgorithm學術研究生涯發展計畫-桂冠型研究計畫【大眾運輸路線設計與時刻表建構之最佳化研究】