2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715115Our goals are to exclusively improve the education of dental science (including our undergraduate, graduate, and specialist trainings), academic research, and treatment standards. We aim for outstanding graduates that will provide great service to improve the health of our community. Aims Prepare distinguished teaching staffs and research workers in basic science and clinical dentistry to advance both the art and science of dentistry in Taiwan. Offer advanced education for dentists and dental assistants to improve the current situation of dental service in Taiwan. Provide advice and consultancy to government authorities on oral hygiene, preventive dentistry, and policies for dental service.牙醫學系的前身是臺北帝大附屬醫院齒科學教室。光復翌年郭水前主任於醫學院講授齒科學。 民國四十四年開始招收第一屆學生,七十七年成立牙醫科學研究所碩士班、八十年增設博士班,九十年增設碩士學位在職專班;八十五年3月1日台大醫學院通過「牙醫科學研究所」更名為「臨床牙醫學研究所」。培育、養成一般及各種專科之牙科醫師,以服務社會大眾。 造就牙科醫學領域中基礎醫學與臨床牙醫學之教學、研究人才,以提高我國牙醫學之水準。 協助牙科醫師與各類牙科輔助人員之在職訓練,以全盤改善我國牙科醫療現況。 與政府機關及牙醫各級公會、學會合作,在醫療政策與口腔保健工作上相互配合,以求趕上時代朝流,造福全民。DentistryAcademic Institute