周家蓓2006-07-252018-07-092006-07-252018-07-092005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2899有鑑於鋪面平坦度之重要性,近年來 公路鋪面研究領域已有諸多平坦度相關研 究完成,然於機場鋪面研究領域則少有研 究進行。由於機場鋪面之平坦度值高低直 接影響航機於其上滑行時之行駛品質及安 全性。平坦度不佳之鋪面將導致航機通過 時產生過大之震動,致使機師無法正確判 讀儀表各項讀值,不利於飛航安全;且亦 會引致之額外垂直動態荷重,經多次重覆 影響之後,將使該區域產生永久性之鋪面 損壞,因而減少鋪面之服務壽年。 機場鋪面平坦度評估之重點在於 利用廣為接受之指標值,明確反映航機 所承受之行駛品質。本研究主要目的即 為對影響航機乘客舒適性最大之機場 鋪面共振波長範圍進行分析、探討目前 各種平坦度評估指標於機場鋪面平坦 度評估之適用程度,最後進而發展機場 鋪面專用之平坦度評估指標。Due to the importance of pavement smoothness, many pavement smoothness researches on highway pavement area have been conducted. However, only limited researches have been done in airport pavement area. The smoothness of airport pavement directly affects the ride quality and safety of the aircrafts taxiing on it. A pavement with poor smoothness will induce an excess vibration on aircrafts while passing it and causes the pilots not be able to recognize the readings from inside the cockpit. It has a negative effect on flight safety. A pavement with poor smoothness will also bring extra vertical loadings. And with repeated passes, it will result in permanent pavement distress and reduces the remaining life of pavement. The points of airport pavement smoothness evaluation will be the use of wide-accepted index values to reflect the ride quality that the aircrafts experience. The main objectives of this research are to analyze the range of resonant wavelength of airport pavement which will seriously affect the passengers comfort, to assess the suitability of difference smoothness indices on airport pavement, and develop the smoothness evaluation index for airport pavement as the final results.application/pdf264476 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學土木工程學系暨研究所機場鋪面鋪面管理鋪面平坦度鋪面糙度airport pavementpavement managementpavement smoothnesspavement roughness機場鋪面平坦度評估指標研擬reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/2899/1/932211E002050.pdf