臺灣大學: 圖書資訊學研究所唐牧群張凱傑Chang, Kai-JieKai-JieChang2013-03-222018-05-302013-03-222018-05-302010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251277現今越來越多視覺化檢索工具應用於跨系統整合查詢。本研究為了要探索使用者如何和視覺化檢索工具進行互動,採用實證研究的方式,測試使用者在真實需求情境之下,如何使用EBSCOhost視覺化檢索介面(Column、Block介面)。 本研究的研究結果分成兩個部份:一部份是找出哪些好用性問題會影響使用者的使用經驗;另外一部份是了解使用圖形化搜尋是否會改變使用者的認知狀態以及查詢詞彙,其使用的方法包括:問卷調查法、深度訪談、回溯性放聲思考法、以及比較使用者在檢索前和檢索後的檢索詞彙。 本研究總共測試12位圖書資訊學領域的研究生,參與本研究的受試者必須事先準備一題檢索問題,當作本研究的檢索任務,之後會重複在視覺化檢索介面所提供的兩種介面(Column、Block介面),搜尋同樣的檢索問題。研究結果如下:(1)觀察使用者的檢索畫面以及分析訪談記錄,總共找出九項好用性問題,並且依照對於使用者任務的衝擊程度區分;(2)介面的確會影響使用者的查詢詞彙以及認知狀態,(3)根據使用者的意見,認為當使用者不熟悉新的研究領域之情境下,視覺化工具對於使用者幫助較大。Nowadays, more and more visualization-based retrieval tools are applied to cross-system integrated search. To investigate how users might interact with visualization tools, an empirical study was conducted in which real users with real search request were asked to search alternately with “Column” and “Block” versions of EBSCOhost’s visualization-based information retrieval interface. There were two parts of inqueries, one is to identify possible usability issues; there other is to see how the use of the interfaces might impact users’ cognitive states and queries. The Multiple methods were applied to acquire rich data to address those questions, including questionnaire, in-depth interview, retrospective think-aloud, and comparisons of users’ pre- and post- search queries. A total of 12 Master’s students in Library and Information Science participated in the study, each searched for their own task alternately on the two versions of the visualization tool, resulting in 24 search sessions. Nine usuability issues, with different degrees of severity, were identified. The interfaces were found to impact on users’ queries and cognitive states. Based on the participants’ comments, it was found that the visualization was more beneficial for search for new areas the users were not familiar with.9155521 bytesapplication/pdfen-US資訊視覺化視覺化資訊檢索好用性評估視覺化資訊檢索介面information visualizationvisualization information retrievalvisualization視覺化資訊檢索介面評估—以EBSCOhost 2.0為例Evaluation of Visualization-based Information Retrieval Interface- A Case Of EBSCOhost 2.0http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251277/1/ntu-99-R95126013-1.pdf