2015-08-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/653519摘要:在永續發展情境下,為因應台灣能源及資源的限制,以及社會文化及經濟發展的需求,環境決策及管理機制應致力於提升至生態系統思維,與其相關環境政策的規劃應具有環境變化的適應力。 生態系統服務意涵為人類自生態系統獲得的福祉,在歐美已有諸多研究證明有助於政府做為政策概念及決策工具,具有因應及解決複雜的環境規劃議題之潛力。環境政策規劃面臨多樣且複雜的問題及挑戰,社會、經濟發展的需求,生態、環境永續的面向,必須做整合性的妥善處理。 相較於歐美等國對於生態系統服務概念的重視,國內雖有零星的研究被提出,然仍缺乏理論上深入的討論及實證的案例研究。本研究重點主要在生態系統服務納入環境政策規劃作評估及因應,探討台灣環境政策規劃及推動潛力與限制,以水資源管理政策為研究主體,研擬的課題(子計畫)包括:「淡水生態系統服務評估」、「農業生態系統服務評估」、「都市生態系統服務評估」等三大子題進&#64008;三&#63886;學術研究,並藉由台灣地區作為實務研究與理論文獻對話,對生態系統服務納入環境政策規劃作評估及因應。環境政策之規劃與生態系統服務概念之結合,除可與國際接軌外,進一步亦可作為國內產業、學界、政府等應用之參考。<br> Abstract: Under the scenario of sustainable development, in response to the limitation of energy and resources consumption and the requirement of socioeconomic development, environmental management and decision-making in Taiwan is endeavoring to rise up to the ecosystem point of view and strengthen the adaptability. Ecosystem service was identified as benefits people obtain from ecosystem and has been proved as a useful data-support tool for environmental plan-making frameworks and also shown the great potentialities to deal the complex issues of contemporary environment planning. Environmental policies planners are confronted by the issues of problems from socio-economic systems as well as challenges from eco-environment conservations, a framework to incorporate the comprehensive aspects should be established. Comparing to researches largely emphasis on the ecosystem services valuation in European Union, sporadic researches proposed in Taiwan are deficient in theoretical cornerstone and empirical case studies. This study aims at identify and estimate the implications of ecosystem services valuation to water resources management policies, and further discuss the potentialities and limitations for the adaptive capacity in Taiwan. The study is scheduled for three years and sub-projects include: (1) fresh water ecosystem services valuation, (2) agriculture ecosystem services valuation, and (3) urban ecosystem services valuation. A dialogue between Taiwan local experience and critics on literature is proposed to enhance the discussion about adaptive flexibility of water sources management policy. The obtained information of this three-year project would be useful in compliance with the international practice, and further for the reference of business, government or academia.整合生態系統服務評估於水資源政策規劃之研究-整合生態系統服務評估於水資源政策規劃之研究