2023-08-072024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/656268本計畫為期三年,擬開發可於高低溫環境下穩定運作之半固態電致色變元件。本計畫擬合成含有離子液體官能基之小分子電致色變材料、無機之離子儲存層以及高分子離子液體電紡膜,使之搭配在-20 ~ 80 oC的溫變範圍內可穩定運作之半固態電致色變元件。本計畫將比較含離子液體官能基與不含離子液體官能基之小分子電致色變材料之著色效率與電化學性質,預期含離子液體官能基之材料將可以改善其元件之穩定度並降低元件操作所需之啟動電壓。另一方面,將進一步合成無機之離子儲存層與高分子離子液體電紡膜,並導入此兩種材料來提升元件之性能與高低溫穩定性表現。研究第一年著重在新型電致色變材料的合成與鑑定,計畫擬將離子液體官能基接枝於吩噻嗪之結構上,並探討接上離子液體官能基後其光電化學上的變化,並搭配高低溫實驗探討離子液體官能基對溫度變化穩定性之影響。第二年著重在合成普魯士藍類似物奈米粒子(如 Prussian blue, nickel hexacyanoferrate, ruthenium purple等),本計畫擬將此普魯士藍類似物奈米粒子作為離子儲存層與第一年開發之材料搭配,期盼能利用普魯士藍類似物具高低溫穩定的特性,進一步提升整體電致色變元件穩定性及光電效能。第三年擬合成高分子離子液體並利用電紡織法製備含電紡膜之高分子半固態電解質,以期提高電解質導離度並提升其穿透度變化值以及熱穩定性。最後本研究擬優化材料與元件的製程並探討製備之新穎電致色變元件用於智慧節能窗在大範圍溫度變化下的可行性。 In this three-year research project, we are aiming at developing a quasi-solidstate electrochromic device (ECD) with good stability over a wide temperature range (-20 ~ 80 oC) by synthesizing small organic molecular electrochromic materials (ECMs) grafted with ionic liquid, inorganic ion storage layer, and electrospun thin film composed of the polymeric ionic liquid. In this project, we will compare the coloration efficiency and electrochemical properties of the ECMs having the ionic liquid structure with that without the ionic liquid structure, and the novel material with ionic liquid structure is expected to improve the stability of ECDs as well as reduce their driving-voltage. Moreover, we also plan to synthesize the inorganic ion storage layer and electrospun thin film, and further incorporate them into the ECD in the hope to enhance the performances and thermal stability of the devices. In the first year, we will focus on synthesizing novel ECMs, aiming to graft the ionic liquid on the structure of phenothiazine. Subsequently, we will study the electrochemical and optical responses of the synthesized ECM. Furthermore, an ECD composed of this ECM will be fabricated and tested over a wide temperature range to study the influence of the ionic liquid structure on the high and low temperature stability of the ECD. As for the second year, we will put effort to synthesize Prussian blue analogues (PBAs) nanoparticles, including Prussian blue, nickel hexacyanoferrate, and ruthenium purple. This series of materials will be used as the ion storage layer and matched with the material synthesized in the first year of this project. We expect to take advantage of PBAs, including their high and low temperature stability, to further enhance the stability and performance of the proposed ECD. In the last year, we will synthesize the polymeric ionic liquid (PIL) and employ the electronspinning technique to prepare the PIL-based electrospun thin film with the needed ionic conductivity. Afterward, we will apply this thin film as the electrolyte, in the hope to fabricate the quasi-solid-state electrolyte with enhanced transmittance change and thermal stability of the proposed ECD. Finally, for the device application, we will find an optimal processing method to fabricate the proposed ECD and evaluate its feasibility in sunlight-attenuated smart windows over a wide temperature range.電致色變元件;電致色變材料;離子液體;甲基吩噻嗪;電紡織法;Electrochromic devices;electrochromic materials;ionic liquids;methyl phenothiazine;electrospun人力結構改善(合成功能化離子液體電變色材料與高分子電解質用於高低溫穩定電致色變元件)