2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714917Systems biology is an interdisciplinary study of organism by integrating the knowledge of mathematics, computational sciences, electric engineering, statistics, physics, and chemistry, as well as the traditional biology, medical science and agriculture. Being a comprehensive university, National Taiwan University recruits and educates the top researchers and scholars in various fields, and therefore concretes its ability and obligation to promote the development of systems biology in Taiwan. Since many fields of modern genetics (including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) and molecular and cell biology are the current focus of research in systems biology, NTU recognizes that there is an increasing need to train the next generation scientists to complement the conventional reductionist approach with more holistic perspectives, in order to keep up with trends in current biological studies and maintain its cutting-edge research and global competitiveness. Therefore, NTU collaborated with Acidemia Sinica and established the joint graduate program named “Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program”. Genome and Systems Biology (GSB) Degree Program, which is the first launched integrative Systems Biology Degree Program in Taiwan, has congregated the outstanding faculty and experts from Center for Systems Biology, College of Life Science, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture, College of Medicine, and College of Engineering in NTU, as well as that from various institutes in Academia Sinica. All of the faculties are classified into four academic divisions, including genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and bio-system modeling, according to their expertise, to support the major directions in genomic biology and systems biology. The GSB Degree program, started the preparatory status in 2008, has approved by Ministry of Education, the R.O.C. and officially launched in 2010 for its PhD training program.系統生物學是本世紀重要前瞻的科學,不同於傳統生物學僅針對生物體的個別構成物質(如個別基因、個別蛋白質)或個別生化反應進行研究,系統生物學則是對生物體的所有構成物質(如所有基因、所有蛋白質)、所有生化反應等進行整合性、全面性地研究,建立其間相互作用的動態網絡,並可藉由數學模型來定量描述及預測細胞或生物體的表型與功能。系統生物學將生物學由傳統定性式的描述性科學,轉變成定量的、有理論基礎及具有預測性的科學;系統生物學也使我們對生命現象的研究層次由傳統僅止於點或線的層次,推向全面性、整合性的層次,使我們對生命現象能有全貌的瞭解,可見系統生物學對生命科學發展具有革命性的影響。 系統生物學是個跨領域的學門,除生物學、醫學外,尚需整合資訊學、統計學、數學、化學、物理、工程等領域,台灣大學是國內具有最完整系所的大學,因此對整合這些領域的優秀師資以設立具國際競爭力的系統生物學學程應是責無旁貸。基因體學是系統生物學的一部份,也是本校在系統生物學領域發展較具規模的子領域,為使基因體學的研究能繼續深耕,並促進系統生物學的發展,我們將學程名稱訂為「基因體與系統生物學學位學程」(以下稱本學程)。 本學程將整合台灣大學生命科學院、工學院、生物資源暨農學院、理學院、電機資訊學院、醫學院、「系統生物學研究中心」及中央研究院等單位之基因體與系統生物學相關領域教師,於97年起開始籌設基因體與系統生物學學位學程,99年經教育部核定成立,99學年度招收本學程第一屆新生。Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program