陳肇鴻2024-05-012024-05-012024-04https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/642232對達成節能減碳與控制氣候變遷的規範目標而言,釋放企業之溫室氣體排放資訊至市場,係重要的規範手段。本文由比較法的角度,簡要觀察我國與美國、歐盟、英國等地有關企業溫室氣體排放之揭露義務的異同。我國目前主要係透過年報的相關規定,來要求公開發行公司進行揭露,論其實際,與美國、歐盟或英國等目前係主要規範大型企業的方向相仿,然而於規範手段上,本文認為,政府應考量是否應持續利用年報相關規定作為主要的規範基礎,一方面,可考慮是否應由組織法的角度來建構相關的揭露機制;另一方面,政府亦應考量適合納入相關資訊的文本,以利能更有效地將資訊傳遞至市場上。 Public disclosure of greenhouse gas emission information by a company into the market is an important regulatory tool to combat climate change and global warming. From a comparative law perspective, this article briefly examines the similarities and differences in disclosure obligation regarding corporate greenhouse gas emissions in Taiwan, the United States (US), the European Union (EU), and the United Kingdom (UK). Currently, the disclosure requirement for publicly traded companies in Taiwan is primarily implemented through rules regarding annual reports. The scope of disclosure obligation in Taiwan focuses on listed enterprises, in line with the current development in the US, EU and the UK. However, the article suggests that the government should reconsider whether to continue relying on annual report-related provisions as the primary regulatory basis. On one hand, organizational laws could provide a more solid base to establish disclosure mechanisms in the future. On the other hand, the government should also consider where it is more suitable to present carbon disclosure information to shareholders and other stakeholders in order to facilitate more effective transmission of information to the market.zhcarbon emission, disclosure, 揭露, capital market資本市場上之溫室氣體排放資訊之揭露義務:比較法的觀察Disclosure Obligation of Greenhouse Gas Emission in the Capital Market: From a Comparative Perspectivejournal article