江文章臺灣大學:食品科技研究所余嚴尊Yu, Yen-TsunYen-TsunYu2007-11-272018-06-292007-11-272018-06-292005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/56290本研究係選用國產台中選育四號品系糙薏仁為原料,進行糙薏仁的活性區分物對倉鼠脂質代謝的相關研究。首先,在探討糙薏仁攝取量對倉鼠降血脂作用的影響,結果顯示以20及40%的糙薏仁取代高脂飼料 (10% corn oil + 1.0% cholesterol)餵食倉鼠,四週後可降低倉鼠血漿脂質濃度,而八週後除可降低倉鼠血漿脂質外,亦會減少肝臟TC與TG含量並促進糞便脂質的排出。 再者,在探討糙薏仁的活性區分物對倉鼠脂質代謝的影響,結果顯示(ㄧ)糙薏仁經100℃、30 分鐘的熱水萃取區分,在20及40%的糙薏仁熱水萃取物(ABW)與20及50%的糙薏仁熱水萃渣(ABR)取代高脂飼料(10% corn oil + 0.25% cholesterol),均對倉鼠具有降血脂作用,故無法藉由熱水萃取區分方式區分出糙薏仁降血脂作用的活性成分所在。(二)糙薏仁以甲醇萃取並再以正己烷、乙酸乙酯及正丁醇等不同極性溶劑進行分配區分,甲醇萃取物(AM)的萃取率多寡會影響其抑制膽固醇酯轉移蛋白(cholesteryl ester transfer protein, CETP)活性的能力與降血脂作用的效果。在體外及動物試驗同時顯示乙酸乙酯層及正丁醇層區分物的抑制CETP活性較甲醇萃取物為強,其IC50分別為55μg /mL及65μg /mL。另,正己烷層區分物(AM-H)或水層區分物(AM-W)或其甲醇萃取渣的水萃物(AMR-W)等三種區分物亦具有降血脂作用,就此推知糙薏仁降血脂作用是因多種不同極性活性成分作用所致。(三)糙薏仁的富含水溶性膳食纖維區分物(ACF)具有降血脂的作用且呈現劑量關係,而其40%酒精次區分之不可溶及可溶區分物(ACF-EI和ACF-ES)亦具降血脂作用但會受理化性質的差異而有所不同。ACF、ACF-EI和ACF-ES 的分子量分別為12.4、14.5和8.7 x 104 Daltons。另外,糙薏仁的75%酒精可溶性區分物(ACE)可提高血漿HDL-C濃度,其作用機制可能為抑制CETP活性,惟其組成分仍有待進一步研究。正己烷萃取區分物(AH)亦具有降血脂的生理機能性。糙薏仁中所含的Campesterol、Stigmasterol及Sitosterol三種植物固醇含量分別為65±10,34±7及445±36 mg/100g。 綜合言之,糙薏仁對倉鼠脂質代謝的活性區分物有其富含水溶性膳食纖維、甲醇、正己烷與75%酒精之可溶性區分物。In this study, we used the Taichung select No.4 dehulled adlay (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf) as our experimental material to investigate the dehulled adlay active fractions on the lipid metabolism in hamsters. First, we examined the hypolipidemic effect in hamsters fed high fat diets (10% corn oil + 1.0% cholesterol) that was substituted with different percents of dehulled adlay for 4 or 8 weeks. The results showed that after 4 weeks feeding period, 20 and 40% dehulled adlay substituted high fat diets could lower serum lipids concentration in hamsters. After 8 weeks, we found that 20 and 40% diet groups lowering levels of serum lipids and hepatic TC, TG and also showed increaseing fecal lipids excretion in hamsters. Second, we investigated the dehulled adlay active fractions on the lipid metabolism in hamsters. The results showed that (1) the dehulled adlay extracted by 100℃ water for 30 min to obtain hot water-soluble fraction (ABW) and hot water-insoluble fraction (ABR). As hamsters fed with high fat diets (10% corn oil + 0.25% cholesterol) that were substituted 20, 40% ABW and 20, 50% ABR, showed hypolipidemic effect. So we could not isolate the hypolipidemic active components by means of fractionating dehulled adlay with boiling water extraction. (2) The dehulled adlay extracted by methanol and fractionated by n-hexane, ethyl acetate, 1-butanol and water. The methanol extract (AM) had lipid-lowering effect and reduced the plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CEPT) activity, and that might be related with the ratio of extraction. As compared with AM, the AM-EA and AM-B fractions significantly inhibited the CETP activity in vitro and in vivo. Their IC50 were 55μg /mL and 65μg /mL. Moreover, 3 groups of hamsters were fed with AM-H, AM-W and AMR-W and the results showed different hypolipidemic effects. Therefore, our results demonstrated that the hypolipidemic effect of dehulled adlay was due to various active components. (3) The water-soluble dietary fiber enriched fraction of dehulled adlay (ACF) showed a hypolipidemic effect in hamsters and which was positively correlated with the amount of ACF. The insoluble and soluble fractions (ACF-EI and ACF-ES, respectively) of ACF that prepared by 40% ethanol concentration fractionation also showed hypolipidemic effects and which was influenced with their physicochemical properties. The apparent molecular-weights of ACF-EI and ACF-ES were 14.5 and 8.7 x 104 Daltons, respectively. Furthermore, the adlay 75% alcohol soluble fraction (ACE) could elevated plasma HDL cholesterol concentraction, and the possible hypolipidemic mechanism was due to its inhibitory CETP activity and further investigation about its active composition is needed. The hexane fraction (AH) of dehulled adlay also showed a hypolipidemic effect. The contents of 3 phytosterols, i.e. campesterol, stigmasterol and sitosterol in the dehulled adlay were 65±10, 34±7, 445±36 mg/100g, respectively. 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Ann Epidemiol 5: 333-335. ---------------------------------------------------------- VIII 圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI 縮寫表 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------XII 糙薏仁萃取物與其區分物代號一覽表 -------------------------------------------------XIV 第一章、緒言----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 一、研究動機 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 二、研究方針--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 第二章、文獻整理 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 一、薏苡簡介 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 二、薏苡之生理機能性- ------------------------------------------------------------------16 三、食物中具降血脂作用的活性成分------------------------------------------------- 23 (一)膳食纖維---------------------------------------------------------------------23 (二)植物固醇---------------------------------------------------------------------33 四、脂質與脂蛋白的代謝---------------------------------------------------------------43 第三章、實驗動物及材料設備 - ---------------------------------------------------------51 一、動物品系 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 二、實驗原料 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 三、飼料成分 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------51 四、分析用試劑 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------51 五、儀器設備 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------52 第四章、糙薏仁攝取量對降血脂作用的影響 ---------------------------------------- 54 一、前言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 二、材料與方法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 (一)實驗動物、飼料與飼養 ---------------------------------------------------54 (二)檢體收集 --------------------------------------------------------------------55 (三)檢體分析 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 55 (四)統計分析 --------------------------------------------------------------------57 三、結果與討論 -------------------------------------------------------------------------58 (一)糙薏仁不同取代量對倉鼠生長狀況的影響 --------------------------58 (二)糙薏仁不同取代量對倉鼠血漿脂質的影響 --------------------------58 (三)糙薏仁不同取代量對倉鼠肝臟脂質的影響 --------------------------59 (四)糙薏仁不同取代量對倉鼠糞便脂質的影響 --------------------------60 四、結論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 第五章、糙薏仁降血脂作用的活性區分物之研究 ------------------------------------68 第一節、糙薏仁熱水萃取區分物對倉鼠脂質代謝的影響---------------------------68 一、前言-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------68 二、材料與方法----------------------------------------------------------------------------69 (一)糙薏仁熱水萃取物與熱水萃渣的製備 ------------------------------- 69 (二)實驗動物、飼料與飼養---------------------------------------------------69 (三)檢體收集、分析與結果統計---------------------------------------------70 三、結果與討論- --------------------------------------------------------------------------71 (一)糙薏仁熱水萃取物與熱水萃渣的萃取重量分配率及其一般組成 ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 (二)在高脂飼料糙薏仁熱水萃取物與熱水萃渣不同取代量對倉鼠生長狀況的影響 ------------------------------------------------------------- 71 (三)糙薏仁熱水萃取物與熱水萃渣不同取代量對倉鼠血漿脂質的影響 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 72 (四)糙薏仁熱水萃取物與熱水萃渣不同取代量對倉鼠肝臟及糞便脂質的影響 ----------------------------------------------------------------------72 四、結論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74 第二節、糙薏仁甲醇萃取區分物對倉鼠脂質代謝及其抑制膽固醇酯轉移蛋白活性的影響------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83 一、前言 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------83 二、材料與方法 --------------------------------------------------------------------------83 (一)糙薏仁甲醇萃取區分物及其不同溶劑區分物與甲醇萃取渣及其水萃區分物的製備 --- ---------------------------------------------------- 83 (二)膽固醇酯轉移蛋白活性的測定----------------------------------------- 84 (三)實驗動物、飼料與飼養---------------------------------------------------84 (四)檢體收集、分析與結果統計---------------------------------------------86 三、結果與討論 --------------------------------------------------------------------------87 (一)糙薏仁甲醇萃取區分物及其不同溶劑區分物與甲醇萃取渣及其水萃區分物的萃取重量分配率及其一般組成 -------------------------87 (二)糙薏仁甲醇萃取物及其溶劑區分物與甲醇萃取渣之水萃物對CETP活性的影響 --------------------------------------------------------87 (三)糙薏仁甲醇萃取物及其溶劑區分物與甲醇萃取渣及其水萃區分物對倉鼠血漿脂質的影響 -------------------------------------------------88 (四)糙薏仁甲醇萃取物及其溶劑區分物與甲醇萃取渣之水萃物對倉鼠肝臟脂糞便脂質的影響 -------------------------------------------------89 四、結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------90 第三節、糙薏仁的富含水溶性膳食纖維區分物與正己烷萃取區分物對倉鼠脂質代謝的影響 -------------------------------------------------------------------102 一、前言----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102 二、材料與方法-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103 (一)大量萃取糙薏仁的水溶性膳食纖維與製備正己烷萃取區分物--103 (二)實驗動物、飼料與飼養--------------------------------------------------103 (三)檢體收集 -------------------------------------------------------------------104 (四)檢體分析 -------------------------------------------------------------------104 (五)植物固醇含量的測定 --------------------------------------------------106 (六)統計分析 -------------------------------------------------------------------106 三、結果與討論 -------------------------------------------------------------------------107 (一)糙薏仁濕磨後,各區分物的重量分配率及其一般組成與膳食纖維的含量 -----------------------------------------------------------------107 (二)餵食添加由濕磨糙薏仁所得各區分物之高脂飼料對倉鼠血漿脂質的影響 -------------------------------------------------------------------107 (三)餵食添加由濕磨糙薏仁所得各區分物之高脂飼料對倉鼠肝臟脂質的影響 --------------------------------------------------------------------108 (四)餵食添加由濕磨糙薏仁所得各區分物之高脂飼料對倉鼠盲腸短鏈脂肪酸的影響 ----------------------------------------------------------110 (五)餵食添加由濕磨糙薏仁所得各區分物之高脂飼料對倉鼠糞便脂質的影響 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 111 四、結論 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------112 第四節、糙薏仁的富含水溶性膳食纖維次區分物與其75%酒精可溶區分物對倉鼠脂質代謝作用的影響 ----------------------------------------------------- 127 一、前言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------127 二、材料與方法 -----------------------------------------------------------------------127 (一)由富含水溶性膳食纖維區分物製備高分子量糙薏仁水溶性膳食纖維和低分子量糙薏仁水溶性膳食纖維次區分物-------------------127 (二)糙薏仁的富含水溶性膳食纖維區分物和其次區分物分子量的測定-------------------------------------------------------------------------------128 (三)糙薏仁的富含水溶性膳食纖維區分物和其次區分物之水合力的測定 --------------------------------------------------------------------------128 (四)實驗動物、飼料與飼養-------------------------------------------------- 128 (五)檢體收集與分析 --------------------------------------------------------- 129 (六)統計分析 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 130三、結果與討論 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131 (一)糙薏仁的富含水溶性膳食纖維與其次區分物的理化特性 -----131 (二)餵食糙薏仁的富含水溶性膳食纖維次區分物與75%酒精可溶區分物之脂飼料對倉鼠血漿脂質的影響 --------------------------------131 (三)餵食糙薏仁的富含水溶性膳食纖維次區分物與75%酒精可溶區分物之高脂飼料對倉鼠肝臟脂質的影響 -----------------------------132 四、結論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132 第六章、總結 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 142 第七章、參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 144832165 bytesapplication/pdfen-US糙薏仁脂質代謝水溶性膳食纖維植物固醇倉鼠dehulled adlaylipid metabolismwater-soluble dietary fiberphytosterolhamster糙薏仁的活性區分物對倉鼠脂質代謝之研究Studies of Dehulled Adlay Active Fractions on the Lipid Metabolism in Hamstersthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/56290/1/ntu-94-D85641004-1.pdf