2020-01-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/700146摘要:在少子化與平均餘命增加的趨勢下,許多國家已開始面臨人口與勞動力老化的問題 。為了減輕勞動人口的扶養比,延長中高齡勞動人口的持續就業,是近年歐洲與其 他亞洲先進國家近來使用的策略之一。 臺灣為了鼓勵中高齡人口就業,於2019年07月通過中高齡就業法,保障中高齡工 作者的就業權利,避免受到歧視。但,在過去歐洲中高齡工作者的長期追蹤研究發 現,影響中高齡工作者延長持續就業的原因有許多,其中工作者的健康狀態,以及 執業狀況,是最常見影響他們延長持續就業的原因。 臺灣部分產業長期面臨缺工,而目前中高齡勞工延長持續就業的研究大多以歐、美 與先進國家為主,未有臺灣本土資料。因此本研究將針對臺灣長期面臨缺工的運輸 倉儲業,以及中高齡就業人口大宗的產業零售銷售業,進行中高齡工作者延長持續 就業之調查,本研究主要目如下: (1)、以質性訪談瞭解可能影響中高齡工作者延長持續就業的原因。 (2)、建立臺灣的中高齡工作者世代,瞭解中高齡工作者的工作狀況、特殊工作暴 露、常見的健康危害,與職業疾病,並探討這些因子對於中高齡工作者延長持續就 業之影響。 (3)、建立中高齡職業健康照護措施,並且比較有無接受職業健康照護,對於中高 齡工作者持續就業意願之影響。<br> Abstract: With the trade of a decline in the birth rate and an increase in life expectancy, many developed countries now face population ageing and decline in the size of their workforce. Some European and developed countries are now enhancing incentives to encourage working at an older age to decrease the economic burden of population ageing. For encouraging middle-aged and elderly workers to stay in employment, Taiwan’s Executive Yuan introduced a draft act that ensures equality in the workplace for middle-aged and elderly workers in July 2019. However, in previous longitudinal cohorts of middle-aged and elderly workers in European nations, they found that many factors could influence workers’ decision of extending working life. Workers’ health status and work condition are two of most importantly relevant factors for extending working life. Taiwan is now facing a rapidly shrinking and aging population. Some industries encounter the long-running scarcity of workers. Most of surveys about the sustainability of work in middle-aged and elderly workers were conducted in European and developed countries. For our knowledge, there is insufficient information about job sustainability of middle-aged and elderly workers and hence further research is required in this area. Therefore, we proposed a threeyear project to explore the risk factors of middle-aged and elderly workers’ job sustainability in the industries of transportation and storage and wholesale and retail trade. In this three-year project, we intend to conduct the following investigate: (1). to explore the relevant factors of influencing middle-aged and elderly workers’ job sustainability by qualitative interview (2). to build up Taiwan middle-aged and elderly workers’ cohort, understand their work condition, work exposure, common health hazard and occupational diseases, and determining the relevant factors of job sustainability. (3). to establish the intervention of occupational health care for middle-aged and elderly workers and detect the effect of the intervention on workers’ job sustainability.中高齡工作者持續就業運輸倉儲業零售銷售業職業健康照護middle-aged and elderly workersjob sustainabilitytransportation and storage industrieswholesale and retail trade industriesoccupational health care影響臺灣中高齡工作者延長持續就業原因之探討