黃建璋臺灣大學:光電工程學研究所禹易成Yu, Yi-ChengYi-ChengYu2007-11-252018-07-052007-11-252018-07-052006http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/50872近年高亮度高功率發光二極體之要求增加,其中特殊的幾何結構所產生的高功率LED方面的研究近年有重大的進展。許多團隊以微圓盤型及微圓環型的結構製作出許多高功率的LED。所以我們希望對微圓盤型與微圓環型發光二極有更進一步的了解,因為在相關的研究中不難發現,以此種結構形成的發光增益都來自於元件的側壁放光(Sidewall illumination),故本研究之目的便是尋找一適當的方法,阻擋微圓盤型與微圓環型發光二極體之側壁放光,藉此與有側壁放光之微圓盤型與微圓環型發光二極體做比較。除此之外更創新加上電流分佈效應的討論,使本研究涵蓋的範圍更廣泛。 本實驗總共使用6道光罩進行發光二極體的製程,其中包含微影、蝕刻、薄膜、退火等製程技術,並使用HP4155與SEM等儀器測量觀察晶片的發光強度、表面結構等特性。 所得到的重要成果如下: 1.微圓盤型發光二極體中,隨著元件的大小增加,電流分佈對發光強度增益的貢獻會越來越大;而側壁放光會越來越小。 2.微圓環型發光二極體中,擁有兩邊的側壁放光比只有一邊側壁放光的結構,單位面積發光強度要高上5倍左右,可以知道側壁放光對發光二極體之貢獻甚鉅。 3.隨著微圓盤型與微圓環型發光二極體的陣列數目增加,串聯電阻的效應會越明顯的影響發光強度,所以適當的金屬電極或電路必須列入考量。 未來希望能以此概念研發更能提升發光二極體量子效率的結構,讓高功率藍光發光二極體的夢想早日實現。In recent years, the request of high power LED is increased. The research of special geometry of high power LED structure have great progress in recent years. Many groups use microdisk and microring structure to make a lot of high power LED. So we hope to get more information of the microdisk and microring LED. Because it is easy to find that, the luminescence gain of this kind of structure is come from the sidewall illumination, so the purpose of this research is to look for a proper method, to stop the sidewall illumination of microdisk and microring LED, make use of this to compare to the microdisk and microring LED with sidewall illumination. In addition, innovatively adding the discussion of current spreading effect, make the range contained in this research more extensive. The process of LED in this experiment use six mask, including photolithography, etching, thinfilm, annealing, and so forth, and use HP4155, SEM instrument to measure and observe the luminous intensity, surface structure characteristic of the chip . The important achievements got are as follows: 1.In the microdisk LED, increase with size of component, the contribution of luminous intensity gain by current spreading can be heavier and heavier; but the sidewall illumination will be smaller and smaller. 2. In the microring LED, with both sides sidewall illumination compare with only one sidewall illumination structure, the power density will have about 5 more above, it can be known that the contribution of sidewall illumination is very powerful in LED . 3.As the increasing of array number of microdisk and microring LED, effect of series resistance will more obvious influence the luminous intensity, so proper metal electrode or circuit must be considered. In the future, I hope to use the concept to research the structure which can improve the quantum efficiency of LED, make the dream of high power blue light LED to realize as soon as possible.1.1 新的照明光源……………………………………………………….1 1.2 高功率藍光發光二極體…………………………………………….2 1.3 研究目的…………………………………………………………….3 第二章 原理介紹………………………………………………………..5 2.1 本研究重要原理簡介……………………………………………….5 2.1.1 量子效率…………………………………………………………..5 2.1.2 發光二極體原理…………………………………………………..5 2.1.3電流分佈(current spreading) …………………………………….6 2.1.4 側壁放光(Sidewall emission) ……………………………………8 2.2 製程儀器原理簡介………………………………………………….9 2.2.1光學微影(photolithography)……………………………………...9 2.2.2 蝕刻原理…………………………………………………………13 2.2.3 蒸鍍(Evaporation)原理…………………………………………18 2.2.4 電漿輔助化學氣相沈積(plasma enhanced CVD:PECVD).…..19 2.2.5 SEM(Scanning Electron Microscopy)原理簡介……………….20 第三章 製程介紹……………………………………………………....23 3.1 製程光罩流程……………………………………………………...23 3.1.1 製程晶片的前處裡………………………………………………23 3.1.2 第1 道:定義發光二極體平台(mesa)區域……………………23 3.1.3 第2 道:定義發光二極體P-type mesa區域……………………23 3.1.4 第3 道:定義p 型歐姆接觸電極區域………………………..24 3.1.5 第4 道:定義n 型歐姆接觸電極區域………………………..24 3.1.6 第5 道:定義絕緣層開口區域………………………………...24 3.1.7 第6 道:定義連接金屬Metal 1電極區域……………………24 第四章 實驗結果及討論………………………………………………25 4.1 微圓盤型(Microdisk:MD)發光二極體特性分析………………...25 4.1.1 半徑為100微米之微圓盤型發光二極體特性分析……………25 4.1.2 半徑為200微米之微圓盤型發光二極體特性分析……………30 4.2 微圓環型(Microring:MR)發光二極體特性分析………………...32 4.2.1 半徑為100微米之微圓環型發光二極體特性分析……………32 4.3 微圓盤型(Microdisk:MD)與微圓環型(Microring:MR)發光二極體特性粽合分析………………………………………………………..38 4.3.1 微圓盤型與微圓環型發光二極體之發光特性比較……………38 4.3.2 不同陣列數目之微圓盤型與微圓環型發光二極體發光特性比較………………………………………………………………………..41 4.3.3 不同尺寸大小之微圓盤型發光二極體發光特性比較…………43 第五章 結論與未來展望………………………………………………45 第六章 參考資料………………………………………………………47689892 bytesapplication/pdfen-US電流分佈側壁放光current spreadingSidewall illumination側壁放光與電流分佈對氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵發光二極體陣列之發光貢獻研究Contributions of Sidewall Illumination and Current Spreading to the Light Emission of InGaN/GaN Light Emitting Diode Arraysthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/50872/1/ntu-95-R93941061-1.pdf