2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714896The Institute of Immunology was founded in 1992. Currently, the Institute has six full-time faculty and six joint and adjunct members. The facility is well equipped to do basic and clinical immunology research, as it is in proximity to an animal facility, library, and the hospital. Our faculty members are actively engaged in immunology research. Their research areas encompass hematopoiesis, infection, cancer, autoimmunity, T cell regulation, and T cell differentiation. Our faculty members published 5-6 papers in the famous immunology journal each year, including the Journal of Immunology, Blood, Journal of Virology, Infection and Immunity. Dr. Ping-Ning Hsu’s research focused on the regulation of apoptosis signal transuction and the development of autoimmune disease. His research has recently identified TRAIL as a co-stimulatory molecule for T cell activation. Dr. Betty Wu-Hsieh’s research has recently established an mice animal model for Dengue virus infection. Dr. Jean-San Chia’s research is focused on bacterial-host interaction, and he has recently established an infectious endocarditis mice animal model. Dr. Chien-Kuo Lee’s research focused on the regulation of immune response by Stat molecules. He has recently identified Stat3 as a positive regulator of B lymphocyte development. Dr. Shi-Chuen Maiw’s research interest is to study the transcription factors in regulation of Th1/Th2 differentiation, regulation of cytokine gene expression. Dr. Chia-Chi Ku’s research interest is to investigate the CD8 T cell differentiation, viral pathogenesis T cell response to viral infections.免疫所於民國81年11月獲准設立,設立之宗旨乃在培育免疫學人才,以供國內學術界、產業界及政府機關免疫學專業人員的需求以及加強免疫學之研究,裨益國民健康,提高我國免疫學之學術水準及國際地位。 民國70年代後期,在醫學院楊照雄、陳振陽、謝貴雄及陳定信等教授努力下,促成全國科技會議決議將免疫學列為重點科技。民國80年8月由林榮華副教授草擬申請成立免疫學研究所之計劃,並於民國81年11月2日獲准籌設免疫學研究所。 本所成立後,歷任所長為莊哲彥教授(82年8月)、沈豐文教授(83年8月)、林榮華教授(86年8月)、伍安怡教授(89年8月)、許秉寧教授(95年8月)、江伯倫教授(101年8月)以及李建國教授(104年8月),領導全所的教學與研究。目前已有專任教師7位及7名合聘和兼任老師。集合國內免疫學專家,並涵蓋各免疫學領域。為國內最完備整齊之免疫學教學研究中心。 本所於民國82年6月招收第一屆碩士班研究生,85學年度開始招收博士班研究生。目前共有碩士班研究生26名以及博士班研究生16名。本所位於醫學院基礎醫學大樓五樓,各項基本設備齊全,加上國科會貴重儀器中心、共同儀器室、本院動物中心及臺大附設醫院等配合,足以提供各項免疫學研究之用。 本所除研究外,尤著重教學。教導學生了解細胞免疫、分子免疫、胞內訊息傳遞、臨床免疫疾病及疾病模式等各方面。學生除修習所內免疫課程外,亦修習一定時數院內共同課程。本所共開四門討論課程免疫學專題討論、免疫學專題研究、免疫新知及感染症免疫學專題討論,加上各實驗室的每週定期研究進度報告等,訓練學生獨立思考、提問問題、整理資訊以及作報告的能力。對於學生在免疫學學術以及技術的培訓上,培育出卓越的研究及教學人才。ImmunologyAcademic Institute