管理學院: 商學研究所指導教授: 郭瑞祥;陳忠仁郭家瑋Kuo, Chia-WeiChia-WeiKuo2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274498回顧1950年代後期,我國政府為發展臺灣石化產業,由經濟部督導成立財團法人中國技術服務社(簡稱中技社),為台灣第一家工程技術顧問機構協助我國煉油及石化業建廠業務。1960至1970年代參與國內外石化廠的設計及監造,是KELOGG、BRAUN、日本工營(株)等國際工程公司來台灣首要合作對象。 1979年由中技社轉投資成立中鼎工程股份有限公司(簡稱中鼎),承接原中技社所有人員、設備及一切石化工程業務,並提供電力、軌道、環工、等工程服務,目前已是我國最大的綜合性統包工程公司,全球13個國設立40餘家關係企業,集團員工總數約7,500人,形成規模龐大的中鼎集團,2015年營收達新台幣670億元新高,ENR國際工程承包商最佳排名第88名。 什麼因素使得一間工程技術顧問機構30年間從本土承包商搖身一變擠進全球百大之列,中鼎的崛起是依靠市場快速成長亦或是建立自身競爭優勢?本研究藉由個案公司訪談深入瞭解企業所處環境與經營策略,將中鼎的發展歷程依安索夫矩陣的成長策略分三階段探討,透過產業分析找出產業關鍵成功因素,並與企業的核心能耐與競爭優勢相互比較,最後從多角化角度深入研究中鼎的事業佈局,並給與未來成長的建議。Back to the end of 1950s, petrochemical industry was first priority of Country’s development in Taiwan. Under the supervision of Ministry of Economic Affairs, CTCI Foundation, the first Taiwan based engineering technical consultant, was founded in 1959 for assisting assessment, planning of plant engineering and technical. During 1960s to 1970s, CTCI was the preferred partner to global contractor as Kelogg, Braun and Nippon Koei, had participated as subcontractor to provide duties such as engineering and project supervision. In 1979, CTCI Corporatin was founded taking over all the employees, equipment and petrochemical business from CTCI Foundation. Today, CTCI emerged as the national leader in the refining and petrochemical industry and a main player in the international power, environmental, transportation and industrial markets, more than 40 branches and affiliated companies abroad, 7,500 employees in group. CTCI reported record-high revenue of NTD 67 billion past year, the 88th from ENR 250 list as the best record as the international contractor. This Study is aimed to analyze the growth stragegy extending to diversification and globalization strategy under the method of interview survey, in order to conclude the growth path and the way CTCI maintains its position to compete in the global engineering services market.論文使用權限: 不同意授權中鼎安索夫矩陣策略聯盟多角化統包CTCIAnsoff MatrixStrategic AllianceDiversificationEPC工程服務產業成長策略探討以中鼎工程為例The Growth Strategy of Engineering Service Industry A Case Study of CTCIthesis10.6342/NTU201600940