曾惠斌2006-07-252018-07-092006-07-252018-07-092004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2865由於營造業之特性特殊,如專案導向、工期長、進度品質管控不易、無固定廠房、 參與份子複雜以及利益糾紛眾多等等,且管理實務就比其他產業來得複雜與困難。 因此,營造業急需結合工程管理技術與資訊科技,將業務上所有必要的資訊電子化、 標準化,使得規劃、設計、採購、施工等工程各階段,資訊都能輕易地加以接收、 運用及管理;透過網路科技運用,整合網際網路,企業網路,商際網路,將業主、 設計公司、顧問公司、監造、營造廠、專業承包商和供應商交易延伸成為營建供應 鏈,彼此加速工程資訊的取用,進而縮短工程各界面整合的時間,以降低成本、減 少耽延、提昇工程品質與營運獲利。過去的研究大都集中在供應鏈內之子系統內的 改善,至於外部對其影響通常視為不能改變的已知條件。在過去資訊流通不發達的 時代,這些外部無法改變的假設尚稱合理。但現今電腦網際網路極為發達,上、中、 下游的資訊互動極為方便,因此,如果能藉由外部即時資訊的互通與共享,進而縮 短工程各子系統介面整合時間,以降低成本,減少耽擱,提昇工程品質與營運獲利。 另外過去的生產力與管理研究大部分針對子系統的效益最佳化來尋求解答,這只解 決局部子系統最佳化(Local Optimum),若以整個供應鏈(大系統)的效益最佳化為目 標,再規劃探討在各上、中、下游資源分配管理,將可得到一供應鏈整體最佳化(Global Optimum) 。本研究主要目的是利用電子商務中之供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management) 與快速回應(Quick Response) 之觀念, 結合營建業專案管理模式 (Project-based)理念與網際網路技術(Web Technology),使營造廠與上、下游之節點形 成了供應鏈,達到營建工程資訊之「共享性」、「保存性」、「及時性」及「可及性」 等特性,使得整個供應鏈成為一個「即時」且「準確」之訊息溝通管道,加上正確 的策略,必定能締造營建業新的契機。本研究將會針對營建業之專案管理模性提出 營建供應鏈模式並根據該模式發展一個的專案式(Project-based)網路型模擬平台,依 據營建專案管理模式(Construction Project-based Management) 之原理架構出以 Project、Subproject、Activity、Source 及Workflow 五種物件組織而成的營建供應鏈 管理模型模式,並利用物件導向程式語言Java 作為開發工具,並結合文件資訊共享 與交換之標準—可擴充式標示語言(eXtensible Markup Language, XML),發展出一套 供應鏈網路型模擬平台系統;除具備網路式平台、跨平台等特性,且具有良好的圖 形化模型設計介面,快速的模擬演算效能,及豐富的輔助分析用圖表工具,可以協 助營建管理人員進行有效的分析、控管、及管理。並以營造廠供應鏈的主導專案為 案例,進行輔助分析、規劃與驗證。In manufacturing system, a supply chain is a network of facilities that performs the functions of procurement of material, transformation of material to intermediate and finished products, and distribution of finished products to customers (Hau and Billington 1992). A better procurement management considers the complete scope of supply chain management, from supplier of raw material, through factories and warehouse, to demand in a store for a finished product. The supply chain concepts can perform a more applicable system for managing the uncertainty that plagues the performance of suppliers, the reliability of manufacturing and transportation processes, and the changing desires of customers. One can always identify the supply chain of a manufacturing enterprise, although the complexity of the chain may differ from company to company. As companies become more vertically integrated, their supply chains consist of many sites organized in multiple levels, and the flows between sites form a complex network. Different sources of uncertainties exist along a supply chain. They include demand (volume and mix), process (yield, machine downtimes, transportation reliabilities), and supply (part quality, delivery reliabilities). Inventories are often used to protect the chain from these uncertainties. Inventories stored at different points of the supply chain have differing impacts on the cost and service performance of the chain. For example, inventories at various points have different values (a higher value for finished goods and a lower value for raw materials). Also, inventories at various points have differing degrees of flexibility (more flexibility in the form of raw materials because they can be turned into different alternative finished products without incurring a significant penalty). Finally, inventories at various points have differing levels of responsiveness (finished goods can be shipped to customers without delay, whereas some lead time is needed to transform materials into finished goods before shipments can be made). A major challenge to supply chain managers is how to control inventories and costs along the chain while maximizing customer service performance.application/pdf122577 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學土木工程學系暨研究所電子商務專案式模式供應鏈管理快速回應網際網路E-CommerceInternetSupply Chain ManagementQuick Response專案式供應鏈管理之模擬平台建構(I)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/2865/1/922211E002097.pdf