社會科學院: 國家發展研究所指導教授: 曾建元林安儒Lin, An-JuAn-JuLin2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274611性別平權,在台灣社會中是一個很矛盾的議題。台灣社會主流思想認為人人平等,乃至於性別平等是重要的普世價值,甚至許多人認為台灣已經完全達到性別平等了,然而性別相關議題的研究文獻顯示的結果,卻明顯對台灣性別平權現況是予以否定的。為何性別研究者與一般民眾的認知有如此大的落差?本文欲以女性主義的觀點,來分析競選影片中的父權思想成分,藉以解析女性在當今台灣社會文化脈絡之下,被如何想像與呈現。 台北市為台灣社會中,人口最多、政治經濟實力最雄厚的指標性城市,其競選影片中女性的呈現有著非常重要的代表性,故本文從女性主義的角度,利用符號學為基礎的文本分析及論述分析的方式,對2014年台北市長選舉的youtube競選影片進行解析,欲探究其背後代表的性別意識形態意涵。 研究結果顯示,2014年台北市長候選人柯文哲與連勝文,兩人的競選影片皆呈現了非常濃厚的父權思維,兩人的影片從內容設計、運鏡方式到性別想像,都難以跳脫父權思想。這樣的現象並非兩位候選人及其競選團隊獨有的問題,而是呈現了整體台灣社會對於性別的刻板印象,故要達到真正的性別平權,需要台灣社會多數人真正理解父權制的框架對於個體的侷限性,勇於打破父權制的枷鎖,方能實踐人人自由平等的理念。Gender equality in Taiwan society is a very contradictory issue. Taiwan''s mainstream thinking is that everyone is equal, gender equality is also an mainstream value. Many people believe that Taiwan has been achieved gender equality. However, the results of research on gender-related issues show that Gender equality in Taiwan is better than before but there is still room for improvement. For what reason that there is such a big gap between gender researchers and the general public? The purpose of this study was trying to use the method of feminism and analyzing campaign videos’ patriarchal component. To understand women’s imagination and how to be presented in Taiwan’s mass media. Taipei is the most populous and prosperous city in Taiwan. Women’s imagination in campaign videos in 2014 Taipei mayoral election is important to gender studies. This article proceeded in terms of semiotics-based text analysis and discourse analysis approach of the 2014 Taipei mayoral election campaign Youtube videos and intended to discover the implicit gender awareness. According to the results of this study, 2014 Taipei mayoral candidate Ko wen-je and Lian sheng- wen, the two people’s campaign videos were showing a very strong patriarchal thinking. From content design to gender imagination, these videos based concepts on patriarchal culture. Such a phenomenon is universal in Taiwan society. To achieve gender equality, most people in Taiwan need to understand the patriarchal framework influences everyone. break the frame of patriarchy is the prerequistite for setting everyone free.2684999 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)2014台北市長競選影片女性主義意識形態符號學論述分析法2014 Taipei mayoral election videosfeminismideologysemioticsdiscourse analysis[SDGs]SDG5Youtube網路競選影片的性別意識分析-以2014臺北市長選舉為例A gender awareness analysis on Youtube campaign web videos - A Case Study of 2014 Taipei mayoral electionthesis10.6342/NTU201603003http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274611/1/ntu-105-R01341022-1.pdf