社會科學院: 政治學研究所指導教授: 趙永茂林振祿Lin, Chen-LuChen-LuLin2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273755本研究以大臺南市地方政治為研究個案,旨在分析縣市合併改制後政黨與地方派系的發展,及其在地方政治過程中角色與功能的轉變。有鑑於地方研究因時空環境不同而有明顯差異,學術研究成果亦可能因外部環境變化而須更新或調整,本研究選擇以立意抽樣方式與地方人士進行半結構質化訪談,期能藉此瞭解臺南縣市合併升格後地方派系的發展,以及第二屆直轄市市議員選舉後地方政治的新趨勢。研究發現,臺南縣市合併升格直轄市後,原縣、市地方派系加速沒落並向政黨靠隴,派系政黨化已是無可避免的趨勢。地方派系雖未完全消失,但除了難以再左右市府決策過程,在區長官派的結構性政治變革下,傳統派系選舉動員能力亦僅及於里長等基層選舉。此外,由於市長在合併升格後成為資源分配中心,此一權力雖有助於市長扶植親近議員並藉此擴張影響力,但卻也讓部分議員因資源分配不均而集結反對勢力,大幅提高府會衝突之潛在風險。Focusing on the local politics of Tainan City, this thesis analyzes the development of political parties and local factions, both of which face challenges in terms of their roles and functions in local politics after the merging of Tainan City and County and relevant institutional reorganizing. Given that studies of local factions can be subject to changing temporal and local conditions, academic studies ought to be adept at reflecting changes in external environment. In order to understand the development of local factions and the new trends after the Second Special Municipality Councilors election in 2014, this study uses judgmental sampling to conduct semi-structured interviews with local personalities. The results show that the city-county merging has left local factions in decline, and hence they tried to attach themselves more closely to a specific political party. Although they continue to exist, local factions not only face difficulties in their attempts to intervene in municipal policies, but also find their influence dwindling. After the adoption of the new Supervisor of District system controlled by the municipal governments, local factions are only able to influence Chief of Village election. In addition, because the Mayor office has become an important center of resource distribution, which is crucial for the Mayor’s ability to improve his relationship with councilors, this enlarged administrative power also increases potential risks of government-council conflict, caused by opposition who felt the distributing process unfair.論文使用權限: 不同意授權大臺南市地方派系合併升格地方自治府會衝突Tainan Citylocal factioncity-county merging and reorganizinglocal autonomygovernment-council conflict政黨政治發展與臺南地區地方勢力變遷(2005~2014)The Study on Development of Political Party and Local Fiction in Tainan City (2005-2014)thesis10.6342/NTU201600169