2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715160Since the rise in the 50s, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been developing through the past sixty years, and has experienced two significant transformations. The first transformation came in the 80s, which made AI received attention from the industry with the “knowledge driven” professional system. Then, the second transformation came in the 21st century, which has made larger achievement for AI with the “data driven” system. With the integration of Big Data and Machine Learning, AI has made prominent achievements in many areas. Therefore, it is urgent and important for every country to think how we can utilize the existing high technology on improving the current situation. Taiwan government has started the “Taiwan Productivity 4.0 Initiative” and the “Innovation Program of Five Industry”, which includes the “Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency, ASVDA” (IoT), Biotechnology and Medical industry, Green Technology, Smart Machinery and Defense Industry. The Smart Machinery Industry Program aims at “Creating the city of smart machinery”, “Deepen the development of products and techniques of smart machinery”, “Accelerating on importing smart machinery into industry”, and “Promoting international connection.” With the intelligent system of solution built, this could help facilitating the industrialization of smart machinery and the intellectualization of all industries. The program has helped to determine an approach under the wave of industrial revolution for our country. And related fields of AI and robotics are indeed not only important keys to development of Taiwan, but also two key development points for countries over the world. With the improvement on people’s living standard, we pay more and more attention on personal health, which makes health management and disease prevention become the focus of healthcare in world wide. And under the development in medicine, people and clinicians are expecting more and more from precision medicine. They not only wish to receive highly precise diagnosis, but also hope that AI could assist on the prediction of the risk on the occurrence of disease, and prevent events that would have harm on health with appropriate intervention or treatment. Of course, the completeness of cognition of the brain is also important for human health. On the one hand, the realization on the Neural Networks of the advanced cognitive function of human brain could not only improve the understanding on ourselves, but also help to find new diagnosis and treatment for major illnesses, including complicated illnesses like Seizure, Autism, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury; On the other hand, it could help to improve the further development on AI. “Brain-like Artificial Intelligence” has been brought up in recent years; above all, the most well-known example is “Deep-Learning” and the theory of deep learning comes from the study of the optical system of brain. Therefore, understanding the construction and function is also fundamental for the demand of AI. The researches on the theories not only deeply convinced people of the extensiveness of application on AI, but also let us believe the field of medicine will achieve an unprecedented realm on diagnosis, prevention, and even treatment through AI. In the light of this, it is indeed essential to establish an interdisciplinary center which combines application of AI on robotics, industrial manufacturing, biomedicine and cognitive science in National Taiwan university. National Taiwan University (NTU) is a comprehensive university, which is innovative in academic fields and is a high-quality environment for research and Industry-academic Cooperation. NTU is also very active on attracting oversea talents and promoting international academic communication. With the great environment and full support from the school authorities, “NTU Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics” is established. The center aims not only on executing cooperative research between institutes of NTU, but also collaborate with laboratories and related centers, like: “Imaging Center for Integrated Body, Mind and Culture Research at NTU” and “Neurobiology & Cognitive Science Center at NTU.” And we will recruit, cultivate key research talents to integrate industrial, governmental and academic resources. With the efforts, we wish to promote advanced industry-academic collaboration on research, and to improve the strength of knowledge economy of Taiwan.人工智慧從50年代崛起迄今已六十餘年,其中經歷過兩波重要的變革。第一波於80年代以「知識為導向」(knowledge driven)專家系統獲得了業界的注目。隨後,其更大的成就當推第二波於21世紀初以「資料導向」(data driven)的系統。透過巨量資料與機器學習的結合,人工智慧在許多領域都有顯著的成就。因此,透過人工智慧的發展,利用現有的高科技來改善人類生活的困境已是各國重要研究課題。台灣於2015年啟動了生產力4.0計畫與五大創新產業計畫,包含亞洲矽谷計畫(物聯網)、生技醫療、綠能科技、智慧機械及國防產業。其智慧機械產業推動方案將以「打造智慧機械之都」、「深化智機產品與技術發展」、「加速產業導入智機化」及「推動國際鏈結」等四項策略推動,建立智慧化系統解決方案,進一步促成智慧機械產業化及所有產業智慧化,為我國在這一波工業革命浪潮下議定一個發展推動的方向。而其中,人工智慧和機器人相關領域為重要的發展關鍵,也是各國大力推展的兩個重點領域。 隨著生活的進步,人類越來越重視個人健康,因此健康管理和疾病預防成為全球健康照護的焦點。在現今的醫療狀況下,民眾與臨床醫師對於精準診斷的要求也愈來愈高,不僅期望診斷有非常高的準確度,同時也希望經由人工智慧的協助可以對未來發生疾病的風險進行預測,以適當的介入或治療確實避免未來影響健康事件的發生。當然,人類的健康也包含大腦認知功能的完整與健全,因此理解人腦高級認知功能的神經網路基礎,除了增進對人自身的了解之外,一方面可為人類的重大疾病尋找新的診斷及治療方式,包括癲癇、自閉症、精神分裂、阿茲海默症、中風、創傷性腦外傷等複雜疾病;另一方面,則可促進人工智慧的進一步發展。近年來,「類腦人工智慧」的概念被提出,其中最著名的例子是「深度學習」(deep learning),從另一個角度來說,人工智慧的最終目的是希望能夠輔助與提升人類的大腦運作,因此,瞭解我們大腦的結構與功能也是為人工智慧的需求提供一個紮實的基礎。這些理論的研究使得人們深信人工智能的應用將益加廣泛,也讓我們深信在醫療的領域透過人工智慧將會使疾病診斷、預測甚至治療出現前所未有的面貌。 有鑒於此,在台大成立一個結合人工智慧應用於機器人、工業製造、生物醫學及認知科學等跨領域中心已是刻不容緩的需求。台大是一所綜合大學,在學術領域具有前瞻性,是一個優質的研究及產學合作的環境,校方也十分積極吸引海外人才及推動國際學術交流,提升國際地位與實力,於國際學術舞台上具有一定的影響力。基於如此絕佳的條件及在校方的全力支持下,「台大人工智慧與機器人研究中心」於是成立。 本中心為一跨領域合作平台,透過中心的運作,促成不同領域、不同單位同仁的合作機會,除執行本校跨院所合作研究外,並與多個學院實驗室及相關中心(如:「身體、心靈與文化整合影像研究中心」、「神經生物與認知科學中心」)相輔相成,未來還將延攬及培育重點研究人才,以整合產業、政府與學術之資源,期盼推動前瞻性產學合作研究、國際研究,提昇我國知識經濟之實力。Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics