臺灣大學: 農業經濟學研究所雷立芬沈子軒Shen, Tzu-HsuanTzu-HsuanShen2013-03-272018-07-092013-03-272018-07-092012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/252947本研究採用資料包絡法為效率評估模型,納入非經濟漁獲和超時工作問題,以Fa ̈re et al.(1989)所提出的拋物線距離函數為基礎,構建投入、產出不同比例型拋物線模式。研究樣本為「台灣底魚漁獲統計年報」所彙整之1976至1987年台灣單、雙船拖網漁船漁獲資料,探討各年度拖網漁船之平均效率,並分別計算當管制「非意欲產出」而造成之意欲產出損失及因雇用過多「擁擠投入」所排擠之投入浪費。 在本文實證結果發現,即使是台灣拖網漁船全盛時期(1976~1987年),每年平均仍存在著14%的改善空間,「潛在產能」達86,221公斤漁獲。同期間,未達整體效率的台灣拖網漁船占全體61%(212艘),其中包括76%(161艘)未達技術效率、46%(98艘)未達擁擠效率、70%(149艘)未達規模效率,其中有35艘處於規模報酬遞增下、114艘處於規模報酬遞減下。顯示導致漁船無效率之肇因,其最嚴重為資源配置不當,規模不當問題次之,擁擠現象最低。最後,本研究計算若政府管制非經濟魚類的數量,使非經濟魚類不再是自由處置的,將會造成經濟魚類達12,576公斤(2.13%)的損失。In this research, the methodology of the efficiency-evaluate model is DEA, including none-economic fish catch mode and overtime working problem. Basing on hyperbolic distance function which disserted by Fare et al. in 1989, each parabola model be presented into varied ratio. In order to explore the average efficiency of trawler annually and calculate the loss by undesirable outputs and congestion inputs, I apply 「Statistical Yearbook of Taiwan bottom fish catch」 as the sample of this research, archiving data of fish catch from single trawler and double trawler during 1976 to 1987 in Taiwan. According to the outcome of this dissertation, even though in the heyday (1976~1987), there is still a room to improve the Taiwan trawl fishery. To be more precisely, Taiwan trawl fishery has 14% potential improvement each year with 86,221KG potential output. In the same period, the Taiwan trawlers which did not reach the overall efficiency account for 61%(212 ships)of the total number. Specifically, percentages of the Taiwan trawler which could not reach the technical efficiency, congestion efficiency and scale efficiency are 76%(161 ships)、46%(98 ships)and 70%(149 ships)individually with 35 ships below IRS and 114 ships under DRS. As shown from the data, three main reasons for the low efficiency of fish boat are misallocation of resources, inappropriate scale and congestion. In the end, this research also demonstrates that if government regulate the number of none-economic fish, it may cause 12576kg(2.13%) loss of economic fish.1493186 bytesapplication/pdfen-US拖網漁船非意欲產出擁擠投入弱可拋資料包絡法TrawlerUndesirable outputsCongestion inputsWeak disposabilityDEA[SDGs]SDG14台灣拖網漁業之效率評估─資料包絡分析法之應用Efficiency Evaluation of Trawl Fishery in Taiwan ─An Application of Data Envelopment Analysisthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/252947/1/ntu-101-R99627009-1.pdf