工學院: 環境工程學研究所指導教授: 李慧梅邱昭瑜Chiou, Jau-YuJau-YuChiou2017-03-062018-06-282017-03-062018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277228本實驗延續吳(2014)「室內木炭燃燒產生空氣污染物之研究」與杜(2015)「室內燒烤空氣污染物排放因子之研究」,利用前研究結果選定三種危害商數較低之木炭:炭精(I1S)、備長炭(B1)、龍眼木炭(T3)進行延續實驗,利用淋滴醬料或醬料油脂組合來模擬實際燒烤產生之污染物排放情形,並與前述研究結果進行淋滴油脂、淋滴醬料、油醬同時淋滴、木炭種類、油脂種類、醬料種類等因子對於各類污染物之排放差異比較,利用粉塵監測儀(EPAM-5000)、多氣體分析儀(HM-5000)、DNPH化學吸收、Tenax-TA吸附劑,分析木炭燃燒產生之HC、CO、CO2、NOx、PM2.5、醛酮化合物、揮發性有機物、重金屬之排放濃度,並計算成排放因子與排放速率。 實驗結果顯示,除重金屬中之砷、銅、鉛、鋅外,木炭種類對於各污染物(HC、CO、CO2、NOx、PM2.5、醛酮化合物、揮發性有機物、重金屬)之排放因子均有顯著差異,油脂種類及醬料種類對各污染物之排放因子均無顯著差異。淋滴油脂對HC、CO2、PM2.5、醛酮化合物、VOCs排放因子有顯著差異;淋滴醬料僅對HC、CO(龍眼木炭)、甲醛、乙醛、PM2.5(備長炭)之排放因子有顯著差異;淋滴油醬組合僅對HC、CO(龍眼木炭)、CO2(龍眼木炭)、PM2.5之排放因子有顯著差異。 碳氫化合物在未淋滴物質情況下,排放因子範圍為5025.60~7924.02 mg/kg,淋滴油脂後範圍為6507.93~10629.40 mg/kg;淋滴醬料後範圍為857.75~2238.77 mg/kg;淋滴油醬組合後範圍為1164.91~2089.57 mg/kg。一氧化碳在未淋滴情況下,排放因子範圍為106.04~395.84 g/kg,淋滴油脂後範圍為152.29~169.36 g/kg;淋滴醬料後範圍為77.99~160.11 g/kg;淋滴油醬組合後範圍為121.60~198.40 g/kg。二氧化碳在未淋滴情況下,排放因子範圍為1350.76~2432.29 g/kg,淋滴油脂後範圍為1929.50~2589.42 g/kg;淋滴醬料後範圍為794.61~1830.36 g/kg;淋滴油醬組合後範圍為888.90~2164.38 g/kg。氮氧化物在未淋滴情況下,排放因子範圍為320.28~573.10 mg/kg,淋滴油脂後範圍為256.71~549.71 mg/kg;淋滴醬料後範圍為140.24~610.08 mg/kg;淋滴油醬組合後範圍為223.28~538.89 mg/kg。甲醛在未淋滴情況下,排放因子範圍為19.23~37.71 mg/kg,淋滴油脂後範圍為35.15~49.41 mg/kg;淋滴醬料後範圍為20.64~489.01 mg/kg;淋滴油醬組合後範圍為4.85~37.06 mg/kg。乙醛在未淋滴情況下,排放因子範圍為8.90~20.64 mg/kg,淋滴油脂後範圍為14.25~23.86 mg/kg;淋滴醬料後範圍為29.04~629.84 mg/kg;淋滴油醬組合後範圍為14.69~36.08 mg/kg。PM2.5在未淋滴情況下,排放因子範圍為14.27~454.15 mg/kg,淋滴油脂後範圍為1151.74~4065.14 mg/kg;淋滴醬料後範圍為305.86~801.43 mg/kg;淋滴油醬組合後範圍為1016.88~1279.84 mg/kg。甲苯在未淋滴情況下,排放因子範圍為0.26~1.93 mg/kg,淋滴油脂後範圍為2.35~7.68 mg/kg;淋滴醬料後範圍為0.25~0.83 mg/kg;淋滴油醬組合後範圍為0.26~1.26 mg/kg。重金屬總排放因子在未淋滴情況下範圍為8760.34~12149.54μg/kg,淋滴油脂後範圍為7068.48~10991.19μg/kg;淋滴醬料後範圍為2967.88~6062.25μg/kg;淋滴油醬組合後範圍為2891.32~12439.40μg/kg。 整體來說,淋滴油脂對於木炭燃燒產生空氣污染物之影響較醬料顯著,尤其在碳氫化合物、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)及揮發性有機物部分,滴油之碳氫化合物排放因子為滴醬之4.6~8.7倍;滴油之PM2.5排放因子為滴醬之1.4~9.8倍;滴油之甲苯排放因子為滴醬之4.4~18倍。因此進行燒烤行為時,應盡量避免油汁滴落至炭火上。This experiment continues the work of Wu (2014)「Emission of Air Pollutants from Charcoal Combustion in Indoor Environment」and Tu (2015)「Emission Factors of Air Pollutants Emitted from Indoor Charcoal」, based on their results to select three kinds of charcoals, that is lower in hazard quotient: Carbon (I1S), Binchoutan (B1), Longan charcoal (T3). To simulate the actual barbecue pollutant emission and to test the differences of pollutant emissions on various pollutants by adding barbecue sauce, adding oil, oil types, sauce types and charcoal types. We monitor results by using dust monitor (EPAM-5000), multi-gas analyzer (HM-5000), DNPH chemical absorption, Tenax-TA sorbent. And we also analyze the emission of HC, CO, CO2, NOx, PM2.5, aldehyde and ketone compounds, volatile organic compounds and heavy metals which emitted from charcoal combustion. The emission data was calculated as emission factors and emission rates. Experimental results shows that charcoal types for the emission factors of various pollutants (HC, CO, CO, CO2, NOx, PM2.5, aldehyde and ketone compounds, volatile organic compounds and heavy metals) have significant differences except for arsenic (As), copper (Co), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn). However, grease types and sauce types do not have significant differences in all emission factors of pollutants. Adding oil have significant differences in the emission factors of hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, aldehyde and ketone compounds, PM2.5 and volitale organic compounds. Adding sauce have significant differences only in the emission factors of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide of T3, formaldehyde, aldehyde, and PM2.5 of B1. Adding oil and sauce together only have significant differences in hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide of T3, carbon dioxide of T3, and PM2.5. The emission factors of hydrocarbons without any additives is in the range of 5025.60~7924.02 mg/kg, after adding oil the range is 6507.93~10629.40 mg/kg, after adding sauce the range is 857.75~2238.77 mg/kg and after adding oil and sauce together the range is 1164.91~2089.57 mg/kg. The emission factors of formaldehyde without any additives is in the range of 19.23~37.71 mg/kg, after adding oil the range is 35.15~49.41 mg/kg, after adding sauce the range is 20.64~489.01 mg/kg and after adding oil and sauce together the range is 4.85~37.06 mg/kg. The emission factors of aldehyde without any additives is in the range of 8.90~20.64 mg/kg, after adding oil the range is 14.25~23.86 mg/kg, after adding sauce the range is 29.04~629.84 mg/kg and after adding oil and sauce together the range is 14.69~36.08 mg/kg. The emission factors of PM2.5 without any additives is in the range of 14.27~454.15 mg/kg, after adding oil the range is 1151.74~4065.14 mg/kg, after adding sauce the range is 305.86~801.43 mg/kg and after adding oil and sauce together the range is 1016.88~1279.84 mg/kg. In general, adding oil has more significant effect on the emission factors of pollutants than adding sauce especially in hydrocarbons, PM2.5 and VOCs. The emission factor of hydrocarbon after adding oil is 4.6 to 8.7 times of adding sauce; the emission factor of PM2.5 after adding oil is 1.4 to 9.8 times of adding sauce. The emission factor of toluene after adding oil is 4.4 to 18 times of adding sauce. As a result, we should avoid grease and sauce from dropping onto the heat sources in order to reduce the health risk of various pollutants from charcoal combustion.論文使用權限: 不同意授權室內空氣品質木炭燃燒燒烤炭烤油煙懸浮微粒甲醛揮發性有機物PM2.5VOCs重金屬烤肉醬Indoor Air Quality(IAQ)charcoal combustioncharcoalbarbecue saucegrillbarbecuefumeemission factorformaldehydealdehydeheavy metals[SDGs]SDG3室內燒烤產生空氣污染物之研究Emission of air pollutants from indoor charcoalthesis10.6342/NTU201602409