臺灣大學: 農業經濟學研究所陸雲陳元漢Chen, Yuan-HanYuan-HanChen2013-03-272018-07-092013-03-272018-07-092012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/252929  為了穩定農產品之價格以及增進農產品價格形成之透明化,政府成立台北農產運銷公司,使供銷雙方有一合理形成價格之平台。然而農產品之價格波動至今仍時有所聞,並且時常出現產地價格偏低,民生大眾之消費價格偏高之現象,因本研究以台北農產運銷公司為主要的研究對象,對於其價格形成過程中的交易成本進行討論。台北農產運銷公司之另一營運系統為營業系統,為公司負責以營利為目的之部門,然而卻出現連年虧損的現象,於是本研究以組織經濟學之觀點探討導致此一虧損之原因。   本研究以交易成本以論、財產權理論、代理人理論,對台北農產運銷公司業務系統之供應人、承銷人、拍賣員與台北農產運銷公司之關係提出探討,並利用現有之台北農產運銷公司對其供應人及承銷人之規範,來探究交易成本之內涵。另外,台北農產運銷公司之營業系統為以獲利為目的之部門,本研究透過交易成本之理論,探討營業系統產生交易成本之原因,以及影響交易成本之高低的原因。最後探討貿易部門產生交易成本的原因,以及交易背景做出介紹。   透過組織經濟學分析,本研究認為未具銷售品質的蔬果不要送至市場銷售、加強蔬果分級包裝、減低逃漏管理費的情形、設立拍賣員獎勵制度,為降低業務系統交易成本的主要方式。此外在營業系統方面,本研究認為果菜營運中心可以利用契約彈性條款來降低交易成本,增加競爭優勢;而貿易部門則可以透過資料的整理,對國內業者建立資料庫以降低交易之不確定性,藉此降低交易成本。  In order to stabilize the prices of vegetables and fruits in Taipei Metropolis, the Government established Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Company (TAPMC). TAPMC provides a trading platform between farmers or their representatives and retailers of vegetables and fruits and is expected to reach equilibrium prices acceptable for both farmers and consumers. However, the prices of vegetables and fruits still fluctuate sometimes and the benefits of farmers and consumers damaged. Thus the purpose of this thesis is to study the transaction costs incurred in TAPMC in its formation of agricultural prices. Besides the aforementioned analysis, this thesis also studies why TAPMC’s own supply business with supermarket systems in Taipei Metropolis and export business kept losing money in recent years. These issues are analyzed from the perspective of organizational economics, too.   Base on transaction costs theory, property rights theory and agency theory, the thesis first studies the interaction among the participants of TAPMC’s auction market. TAPMC’s regulations on the behaviors of suppliers and demanders in the auction are first introduced and inspected from the perspective of transaction costs. The thesis also examines whether proxy problem would generate according to agency theory in the relation between TAPMC and its auctioneers. In the second part of the analysis, the transaction costs incurred in TAPMC’ supply and foreign businesses are discussed. Then the factors effecting the size of transaction cost are analyzed.   The thesis concludes that strengthening the grading and packing of the traded vegetables and fruits, reducing fee evasion, and establishing effective incentive system for the auctioneers, are the main methods to lower transaction costs in TAPMC auction. The study also suggests that more flexible contracts with TAPMC’s trading partners in its supply and export businesses should be adopted in order to reduce transaction costs and enhance TAPMC’s competitiveness. In addition, a database should be constructed to reduce the uncertainty in transaction and thus transaction costs in TAPMC’s supply and export businesses.831671 bytesapplication/pdfen-US組織經濟學台北農產運銷公司交易成本拍賣交易供應與出口業務organizational economicsTaipei Agricultural Products Marketing Companytransaction costsauction transactionsupply and export business台北農產運銷公司交易關係之研究-組織經濟學的觀點A Study on the Coordination Problem between Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Company and Its Trading Partners-An Organization Economics Perspectivethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/252929/1/ntu-101-R99627036-1.pdf